Tips to Level Up Your Independent Publishing BusinessNo matter where you are in your publishing journey—whether you're just starting out or you’ve been publishing books for decades—you're always hoping to level up your business.Fruition Publishing Concierge Services Founder and CEO Alesha Brown joins “Inside Independent Publishing (with IBPA)” to share advice about the best artificial intelligence (AI) publishing technology and the ones to avoid; paying author royalties; whether it’s worth hiring someone to do your social media; and much more!PARTICIPANTSAlesha Brown is the Founder & CEO of Fruition Publishing Concierge Services™, a hybrid publisher devoted to helping authors find their voice, monetize their expertise, and create profitable author platforms. Alesha’s work led to her receiving the 2019 Inside Business’ Entrepreneurial Excellence award. Her expertise has been featured in Publishers Weekly, Authority Magazine, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and iHeartRadio, just to name a few. Alesha is a renowned speaker at numerous author forums and publishing conferences in addition to being a best-selling author, copywriter, and magazine editor-in-chief.Independent Book Publishers Association is the largest trade association for independent publishers in the United States. As the IBPA Director of Membership & Member Services, Christopher Locke assists the 3,600 members as they travel along their publishing journeys. Major projects include managing the member benefits to curate the most advantageous services for independent publishers and author publishers; managing the Innovative Voices Program that supports publishers from marginalized communities; and hosting the IBPA podcast, “Inside Independent Publishing (with IBPA).” He’s also passionate about indie publishing, because he’s an author publisher himself, having published two novels so far in his YA trilogy, The Enlightenment Adventures.LINKSLearn more about the many benefits of becoming a member of Independent Book Publishers Association here: more about Fruition Concierge Publishing Services here: IBPA on:Facebook – – -
# Social Media MarketingThe use of social media platforms to promote books and authors, discussing the pros and cons of hiring social media managers.