Fear Fatigue with Kaneshi Hart
Everyone fears something at one point in time or another in our lives. Some fear something everyday. Whether it is a fear you are going to lose your job and not be able to pay your bills, or fear of your children being in an accident, or fear of rejection, or fear of failure, fear creeps into our lives on a regular basis and it derails our lives every time.
Fear takes us off course and out of focus from the future we desire to have. It makes us cautious, hesitant, and sometimes even unwilling to try the very thing we know we want. It is exhausting. Fear fatigue comes because we get tired of living in fear but we don't often choose to do anything to eradicate that fear. Sometimes, we don't do anything because we don't know what to do.
In this episode of the Coach UP podcast, I tackle what it means to forge through fear. What that concept means and how you can begin to apply it to your life and liberate your future from the bondage fear has put it in.
Stay tuned to these talks. More will be coming where we tackle how to forge through fear in so many aspects of life - work, family, mindset, friends, relationships, success, failure, business, etc. Fear will not stop your future from becoming great. I'm committed that it will not stop mine. And together, we'll talk about how to make sure that reality comes to fruition in our one on one talks of how to "Forge Through Fear".
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