The positive benefits of reading to gain more brain powerSend us a textToday we are talking about reading and the brain. How the brain learns how to read, how the brain is changed by reading, how reading daily can impact the brain health, what parts of the brain are used when reading, and the research done to prove that reading impacts the brain in a positive way. Follow me on Instagram @tanishasreadingcorner and subscribe to the web page to stay up to date when new podcasts become available.Works Cited: Works Cited DEHAENE, P. S. (2022, 8 1). How Your Brain Learns to Read: Professor Stanislaus Dehaene. Retrieved from LEARN FAST:'s%20point%20of,speech%20sounds%20and%20for%20meaning. DEHAENE, S. (2010). READING IN THE BRAIN: THE NEW SCEINCE OF HOW WE READ. NEW YORK CITY: PENGUIN HOUSE. KABL, G. (2012). Reading to Young Children: A Head-Start in Life. e Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, 5. Retrieved from LASTIRI, L. (2021, 11 29). What Happens In The Brain While Reading? Retrieved from IRIS: MD, G. E. (2022). How Reading Changes the Brain. Retrieved from UNDERSTOOD: WHITNEY, C. (2016). The impact of Pleasure Reading on Academic Success. The Journal of Multidisciplinary Graduate Research , 17. Why Read 20 Minutes a Day (The Complete List of Benefits). (2022, OCTOBER 1). Retrieved from BASMO: I absolutely love and adore @semainehealth products. I am a person who experiences very severe menstrual cramping every time my period comes on but with the semaine daily supplement and the PMS supplement, I have found such relief that over the counter RX could not give me. I recommend these products to any woman looking to help balance their hormones and find relief from PMS cramps the natural way. Use the link below to get started on your journey today! ALSO, use the promo code: TANISHASREADINGCORNER to get 20% off your first bottle.
# Reading and Brain HealthExplores how reading influences brain function and health.