Out of what was once a messy marriage came a message that has touched and impacted thousands of couples' lives. After reaching the brink of divorce after almost 11 years of marriage, Alisa DiLorenzo and her husband, Tony, had to make a decision whether they were going to fight for their marriage or let it fail. They fought. And wildly succeeded. In the process, they found they could help others do the same.
That birthed the One Extraordinary Marriage Podcast, and subsequently Alisa's coaching business, where she helps couples strengthen and rebuild their relationship, and ultimately, their marriage.
Coaching in the marital arena is not common. Usually therapists and pastors are called in to support a crumbling marriage. But Alisa found the space of coaching as the best fit for her to help couples find their extraordinary marriage, and she's successfully been coaching for over a decade.
In this episode, we talk about how she built her coaching business, including the struggles of the beginning phases - poor event turnout, unsuccessful podcast episodes, etc. We also talk about what has worked for her in building her six figure empire and steps you can take to do the same.
What you won't want to miss in this episode:
How to get clients to sell themselves on being your client even before you invite them
How "Field of Dreams", the movie, ruined business owners expectations
The 60 day sex challenge
6 pillars of intimacy for your marriage
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