How to Reprogram Subconscious Mind: Stop Using Affirmations
Want to know the best way to reprogram your subconscious mind? In this podcast, I show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind for success. You can even use it to influence the subconscious mind and program new patterns into your unconscious mind.
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The subconscious mind can take in 2 million bits of information every second. Yet your conscious mind can only handle 5 to 7 thoughts per second. The subconscious is, therefore, the more powerful processor, and has to make decisions about what is important for your conscious mind to be aware of on a massive scale every second. It makes these decisions based on your experiences and memories. These memories guide your subconscious beliefs and values which are the greatest determinants of your behavior.
Today, you'll learn the exact techniques for reprogramming your subconscious, and this truly has the power to transform you, it has made a drastically positive change in mine. So make sure you watch the whole video to fully grasp this. Also, I'm excited to announce that we have opened a few spots for a 1-on-1 consultation with me to join an incredible high-level program that helps you hit every goal you set. Make sure you stay around for the special announcement at the end of this podcast.
Acceptance is first, trying to flip from low-level thinking straight to feeling inspired or happy is like trying to lift a car. There's too much resistance... So the key here is to get to a point where you're Ok with what is. You don't have to love it, just be at peace with it. It is what is, or "this too shall pass." are both effective and I've used them frequently. The reason affirmations don't work is because you are trying to force yourself to believe something that you can clearly see isn't true. And your subconscious mind loves PROOF, not PROMISES.
Then it's all about designing the right thought, for example believing you can make $100,000 US dollars per month is perfectly possible if you have a clear gameplan. Or your ideal partner for a relationship, or your fitness goals. So you can still affirm what you want, but have a real way of actually achieving it... Otherwise, you'll never believe or buy-in. -So don't force it over what is, accept what is -Know what you want and how you'll get it -Now practice affirmations 2.0 - because the old way does NOT work. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real and a simulated experience... This is exactly why while being asleep you've had dreams where you could've sworn it was real.
Create impressions on your subconscious with visualization
Make your desired outcomes seem fairly easy and straight forward
Give yourself proof in advance, it's your job to muster up the belief if you want the result
If you can't do that, it's not important enough to you. Filter what you see correctly, clean your dirty filter! When the now-infamous American actor and comedian Jim Carrey was still broke and basically a nobody, he wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars and wrote in the memo: "For acting services rendered." Act as if what you picture in your mind is real, speak as if it's real, feel as if it's real, act as if you are the person you imagine. Not fake it till you make it, BELIEVE THAT IT'S INEVITABLE, which it will be if you stay on it.