Wednesday, 08.09.23
Gambling problem? What gambling problem?? I already told you, it's those fat cat bankers keeping me poor! *We've all been victims of bad haircuts, but have you ever been the victim of a devastating haircut right before school was about to start? *Lazlo and Slimfast promise not to spoil the Johnny Football doc on Netflix and then proceed to spoil the Johnny Football doc on Netflix. *Doomscrolling!! Unless you bought your ticket at a Publix in Jupiter Beach Florida, you're still not a billionaire. Trump is on one this week, for obvious reasons. Trump v Bush, who was worse? Megan Thee Stallion's shooter, Torey Lanez, was sentenced to 10 years. Overturning Roe v Wade still hasn't paid off for republicans like they'd probably hoped. Luddites in California are bitching about driverless cars. *Bad presidents, nothing to watch on tv, and other things Gen X misses about their youth. *Thanks for listening to the podcast. Please leave a review, tell a friend, and check out our links below. Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. -Everybody Wang Chung!!!