A Very Merry KISSmas Vol. IGather around the KISSmas tree, Santa Gene is going to grant you a KISSmas wish... and probably charge you for it, but that's neither here nor there. On this episode Nick Nikko and Rob discuss receiving Destroyer 45 finally, then the the trio pick 6 things each they would love to see under their KISSmas tree. Grab some hot chocolate (maybe with a splash of Cold Gin in it) and gather around the fire place and KISSmas tree and we celebrate our first Christmas as a podcast with you!Links: Twitter @RBTEpodcast https://twitter.com/RBTEpodcast @NCarusoJr https://twitter.com/NCarusoJr @NikkoCaruso https://twitter.com/NikkoCaruso @DrummerRob10 https://twitter.com/DrummerRob10 www.facebook.com/RightBetweenTheEyesPodcast https://www.instagram.com/rightbetweentheeyespodcast/ email:
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