Quantum Healing with Steve NoackSteve Noack, a survivor of a Near-Death Experience (NDE), possesses the remarkable role of a Quantum Healer. A Quantum Healer harnesses the capacity to generate a heightened life-force energy frequency, which can then be skillfully enveloped around areas of pain, stress, inflammation, or disease. This process significantly amplifies the innate healing potential within our bodies. At a tender age, Steve encountered a life-altering event when he was struck by a motor vehicle, leading to a profound bioelectrical connection with the quantum field. During Steve's NDE, he found himself in the company of a luminous being, composed entirely of light. This radiant entity unveiled to Steve the profound nature of the quantum field and its profound interconnection with humanity's healing potential encoded within their divine blueprint. Steve's unique gift empowers him to initiate emotional and physical healing, transcending geographical boundaries through the principles of quantum entanglement and photonics. Every living entity emits biophotons or faint radiation as a result of their bioelectrical field, serving as the unifying link that connects all living beings to the collective consciousness. Leveraging his extraordinary abilities, Steve creates a zero-point field, establishing a ground state for the bioelectrical nervous system, thus opening gateways to healing. Over a decade ago, Steve embarked on his journey to give back to humanity, commencing with the study of Usui Reiki. Since then, he has evolved exponentially. Today, Steve imparts his knowledge, healing, and coaching to clients worldwide. He collaborates with individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages, guiding them on their path to liberation from pain and trauma. Steve's extensive experience spans the spectrum of healing, encompassing both spiritual and physical afflictions, from cancerous tumors to commonplace injuries. Website Link: Steve Noack, Quantum Healer, Near-Death Experience Survivor, Healing from a Distance, Bioelectrical Field, Collective Consciousness, Zero-Point Field, Emotional Healing, Physical Healing, Usui Reiki, Pain and Trauma Relief.