Mediation: The Upsides, Downsides, And Whether To Do ItIn this episode, we dive into the topic of mediation. It is a pretty popular way to resolve cases, and when it goes well, it can go really well. But that does not mean that mediation is appropriate for every case. To be sure, some cases should not be mediated for various reasons that we will discuss. Some cases, on the other hand, are great for mediation. Maybe the client has unreasonable expectations or the defense is not properly evaluating the case. Maybe the case is one that can be resolved but it needs an experienced mediator to break the impasse. If you do decide to mediate, make sure you are prepared. More importantly, make sure your client is prepared for the mediation. That means preparing them emotionally and psychologically for the way mediations are conducted. As always, nothing in this podcast is legal advice. Every case is different, and it is important that each case be evaluated on its own merits.
# Legal Advice DisclaimerA reminder that the content in the podcast is not legal advice and that listeners should consult legal professionals for individual cases.