From before World War II, comic book superheroes have been inspiring animated features to give motion and voice to the thrilling tales. Unfortunately, while some have been downright outstanding, others have apparently been made by untrained apes who have no concept of style or quality. To help guide you through the years and the many, many cartoons is the Geek Salad crew with Episode 71: Family Services vs The Superfriends.
Join Andy, Mike G, Jim, and Mike C as they discuss such topics as the awesomeness that was Batman: The Animated Series, but also the awfulness that was the 1978 Fantastic Four cartoon (curse you, H.E.R.B.I.E.!). Then stick around as Total Recall visits the Trailer Park, and the gang hit back at Ric Flair and the Juggalos in Stupid, Stupid.
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