Seeking validation: listener observation
My thoughts of the day...."A belief is only a thought I keep thinking.” Abraham Hicks.'A belief is a thought that we've been attaching to, often for years.' Byron Katie'Often when you put a label on someone or something, you create a limit—the label becomes the limitation' Jim KwickSome beliefs limit us, narrow our view, seperate us from others, cause conflict, trap us, allow us to bypass our experience, keep us small, make us superior or inferior.We live in a web of beliefs:-I can't, I shouldn't, they shouldn't, I'm not, they're not, it's hard, I couldn't, they mustn't, this is wrong with me, how dare they, who do they think are, they are, there so, I'm so, it's not possible, there's no way...So this goes on & on until we start to gently inquire into our belief system, into the matrix and the illusion. We can clear the path by insight, inquiry & feeling the pain of seperation.A recent one for me "My Mum, doesn't see me, validate me, she causes me pain". Her comments hurt me, like a stab in the chest. "Where do I get my validation from, is it her?" As long as I think it is from her it will never be so, she will keep hurting me as she is not my validation source.People are unreliable and inconsistent sources of validation & they will keep reminding us until we are ready to consistently ground ourselves within.My Mum said to me the other day," I would never have told you were amazing or special as a child as it wouldn't have been true. "Is it a surprise I was seeking validation from others? needing someone else to want me, so I attract a man in my life that couldn't do that for me either."You are amazing, you are the best, you are so wanted, so needed, you are special, you are important" Validation!!! As Clare Dimond says these mini rewards distract us & keep us looking outside of ourselves. This is not were our happiness lies.It is the consistent loving feeling that is always present within us & without of us.No One Can Give Us That!!!!People will keep pointing us back home! until we are ready to see.