ZombieLoad's impact on Linux, AMP to start hiding Google from the URL, and the huge Linux switch underway.
Plus the impact of Google suspending business with Huawei, the recent ChromeOS feature silently dropped, and more.
Mozilla’s new Android app, Google wants you to adopt AMP for Email, and our reaction to LVFS joining the Linux Foundation.
Plus Debian's generous gift, Red Hat crosses the $3B mark, and the Open Source Awards are nigh!
OpenWatch is trying to free your wrist and empower modular smart watches, Fedora's solution to the IoT mess, and more AMP shenanigans from Google to take over the web.
Debian and Kali land on Windows 10's Linux Subsystem, and Noah joins Chris from SCaLE16x Special Guest: Noah J. Chelliah.
A famous Solaris tool comes to Linux, Firefox is baking in ads, and Google wants to take over the web with AMP.
Plus Ubuntu's plans to collect user metrics, the Linux on Galaxy survey, and Plasma desktop on a Nintendo Switch.
Barcelona is switching to FOSS the right way, Nextcloud launches peer-to-peer encrypted video calls, big changes are coming to Google's AMP, and why the BSD camp is laughing at Linux this week.
Plus Fedora's new "primary architecture", Ubuntu 17.10 is back, and more.
In this episode of #ThisOldMarketing, Joe and Robert review two important changes by Google - ad links in display search and AMP (accelerated mobile pages). A publisher is now in the business of selling cars and television networks are looking to native advertising as their solution to the ad crisis. Rants and raves include marketing technology and a book about algorithms. This week's TOM example: Burroughs Corporation.
This Week's Story Links:
Google AMP and Search Updateshttps://searchenginewatch.com/2016/02/23/google-kills-right-hand-side-ads-what-does-this-mean-for-sem/http://digiday.com/publishers/publishers-using-google-amp-across-europe/
Branding In The Age of Social Mediahttps://hbr.org/2016/03/branding-in-the-age-of-social-media
Dennis Publishing Is Selling Cars Nowhttp://digiday.com/publishers/dennis-publishing-selling-cars-now/
TV Networks Recast the Role of Commercialshttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/27/business/media/tv-networks-recast-the-role-of-commercials.html?emc=edit_th_20160227&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=72268883&_r=1This week's Sponsor: GoToWebinar and 5 Tips to Attract Your Audience To Your Next Webinar - http://bit.ly/gotowebinar-attract-audienceRANTS AND RAVESRoberthttp://techcrunch.com/2016/02/28/martechs-bumpy-road-ahead-consolidation-growth-and-a-new-frontier/
JoeAutomate This: How Algorithms Came To Rule Our World by Christopher Steinerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_aLU-NOdHM
ZombieLoad's impact on Linux, AMP to start hiding Google from the URL, and the huge Linux switch underway.
Plus the impact of Google suspending business with Huawei, the recent ChromeOS feature silently dropped, and more.
Mozilla’s new Android app, Google wants you to adopt AMP for Email, and our reaction to LVFS joining the Linux Foundation.
Plus Debian's generous gift, Red Hat crosses the $3B mark, and the Open Source Awards are nigh!
OpenWatch is trying to free your wrist and empower modular smart watches, Fedora's solution to the IoT mess, and more AMP shenanigans from Google to take over the web.
Debian and Kali land on Windows 10's Linux Subsystem, and Noah joins Chris from SCaLE16x Special Guest: Noah J. Chelliah.
A famous Solaris tool comes to Linux, Firefox is baking in ads, and Google wants to take over the web with AMP.
Plus Ubuntu's plans to collect user metrics, the Linux on Galaxy survey, and Plasma desktop on a Nintendo Switch.
Barcelona is switching to FOSS the right way, Nextcloud launches peer-to-peer encrypted video calls, big changes are coming to Google's AMP, and why the BSD camp is laughing at Linux this week.
Plus Fedora's new "primary architecture", Ubuntu 17.10 is back, and more.
In this episode of #ThisOldMarketing, Joe and Robert review two important changes by Google - ad links in display search and AMP (accelerated mobile pages). A publisher is now in the business of selling cars and television networks are looking to native advertising as their solution to the ad crisis. Rants and raves include marketing technology and a book about algorithms. This week's TOM example: Burroughs Corporation.
This Week's Story Links:
Google AMP and Search Updateshttps://searchenginewatch.com/2016/02/23/google-kills-right-hand-side-ads-what-does-this-mean-for-sem/http://digiday.com/publishers/publishers-using-google-amp-across-europe/
Branding In The Age of Social Mediahttps://hbr.org/2016/03/branding-in-the-age-of-social-media
Dennis Publishing Is Selling Cars Nowhttp://digiday.com/publishers/dennis-publishing-selling-cars-now/
TV Networks Recast the Role of Commercialshttp://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/27/business/media/tv-networks-recast-the-role-of-commercials.html?emc=edit_th_20160227&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=72268883&_r=1This week's Sponsor: GoToWebinar and 5 Tips to Attract Your Audience To Your Next Webinar - http://bit.ly/gotowebinar-attract-audienceRANTS AND RAVESRoberthttp://techcrunch.com/2016/02/28/martechs-bumpy-road-ahead-consolidation-growth-and-a-new-frontier/
JoeAutomate This: How Algorithms Came To Rule Our World by Christopher Steinerhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_aLU-NOdHM