My 2021 Year in ReviewI trust you had a Merry Christmas. I am praying that 2022 will be a year of victory for you.
2021 has been quite a year, as was its predecessor 2020. But I am here to tell you that I gave it all that I've got from a place of surrender, ease and grace. I was in no rush to go anywhere nor do anything. My modus operandi became one of simply being. I won't lie though, I have had some serious challenges that I am still navigating.
Honestly, there was a time in the year where I thought I couldn't bear anything else. While still recovering from a life-threatening burnout in 2020, my husband suffered major strokes in May, which frightened the daylight out of me.
I cried, acknowledged where I was and reached out for help. And man did my community rally around me! Oh yeah, you supported as only you could—the prayers, the retreats, the phone calls, the cooking of meals and more—you reminded me that I was not alone, and I am grateful for that.
Notwithstanding the challenges, I have had many wins (big and small).
The Entrepreneurial You podcast celebrated its 200th episode in January with 2nd-time guest, Seth Godin.
Lisa Nichols shared her brilliance on The Entrepreneurial You podcast
My forever virtual mentor, Les Brown, accepted my invitation to be on The Entrepreneurial You.
UWI Press became a Distributor for my 5th book, Podcast Power: The Quick-Start Guide to Launching & Leveling-Up Your Brand.
I partnered with Business Access TV to launch the TV edition of The Entrepreneurial You podcast. Here is a sample. They will soon be made available on the podcast and my YouTube channel.
In addition to The Entrepreneurial You, I produce two other business podcasts:
EXIM Bank's Your Business Matters
JSE's The Jamaica Stock Exchange & You
I coached some clients into their winning season during one-on-one sessions and from my Take-Flight Mastermind.
Interviewed some insightful people for the podcasts that I produce
Contributed to the 1st episode of the PodFest Podcast
I was an audience member in the audience of the Dr Phil Show.
Continue to treat my mental and physical health as a priority on my schedule.
Revived the Patwa Apparel brand via
Became more Africa-centric (planning a women empowerment trip to Ghana).
As it relates to plans for 2022, I don't have a lot of those. I have a few bucket list items that I intend on crossing off. The aim is to do more things that give me joy, go with the flow while I reap the benefits from seeds planted over many years.
As I go forward, The Entrepreneurial You will feature the brilliance of the African Diaspora and share content from the TV edition of the show.
I want you to know how much I value your support. I look forward to sharing more informative content in 2022.
Until we connect again, do take care of yourself.
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