A Political Earthquake in ThailandOn May 14th, Thailand held general elections. The results were a shock to the Thai political system. Since a 2014 coup, the military leaders have dominated Thai politics. A main opposition party has challenged military rule, but has been genereally thwarted at every turn. However, this year a third party emerged victorious: and their vision for the country represents a radically progressive shift in Thai politics. The Move Forward Party, lead by a charismatic Harvard and MIT educated 42 year Pita Limjaroenrat won the elections. And they did so, according my guest today, by chanellening a kind of progressive populism that can change Thailand's domestic political culture and foreign policy in big ways. Prashanth Parameswrn is a Fellow at the Wilson Center and founder of the ASEAN Wonk Substack Newsletter. We kick off discussing the political context in which Move Forward won these elections. We then have an extended conversation about how the Military Junta has rigged the Thai political system in such a way that the Move Forward Party may never actually be able to form a government. Even if they did, the threat of a coup would loom large. We then have an extended conversation about what this election means in terms of Thai foreign policy and geopolitical competition in Southeast Asia between the US and China.
# Military RuleThe period of military dominance in Thai politics following the 2014 coup, which has faced opposition from various political factions.