Maximizing Hobby TimeThis week Casey and Brent catch up, talk some hot hobby tips, and we get into a few ways to maximize your hobby time. Hopefully these sweet tips help you get the most out of your hobby and help you learn to paint bravely!
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Goobertown Hobbies
We use Skype to monitor video and use Call Recorder to capture all of the audio and data up front, as a backup.
We record video and audio independently, so it's a little nicer quality than a skype call. In order to do this Brent uses a Panasonic Lumix GH4 and an MXL 990 Mic to capture everything in camera and on his computer via Audacity. Casey also uses a Panasonic Lumix GH4 and an MXL 990 Mic, everything is recorded in camera and in Adobe Audition. Doing this gives us the freedom to be able to edit video and audio in high quality for the podcast. Everything is edited in Adobe Premiere Pro and output to Youtube and Podcast services.
These podcasts are edited and uploaded by Editor Matt! Whom you should continue to thank in the comments of each video, and give as much crap to as possible..we kid of course, these podcasts wouldn't be uploaded probably ever if it weren't for him!
# Hobby TipsPractical advice shared by Casey and Brent to enhance efficiency and enjoyment in wargaming.