E28 - CO-HOST - Lisa Zawrotny - How to stay engaged with guests beyond the interview
EPISODE 28 - CO-HOST - Lisa Zawrotny - How to stay engaged with guests beyond the interview
In this episode we look at:
- How to get more done by doing less
- Getting the best out of your guest interviews
- building community with your guests (pre and post interview)
Lisa is the founder of Positively Productive Systems and the host of the Positively Living Podcast. After experiencing a deeply overwhelming time in my life juggling multiple roles as a caregiver, wife, mother, and business owner, I am now a Productivity + Accountability Coach certified in time and stress management helping other multi-passionate entrepreneurs who struggle to balance business and family.
Through my podcast, online programs, and coaching, I show you how to boost productivity and avoid burnout while making it feel simple and sustainable.
When I’m not sharing about the wonders of simplicity, self-care, and systems, I’m playing music (lately it’s self-taught guitar or I’m cranking up classic rock), drinking coffee (iced or hot), and watching movies with my husband and kiddos…or reading while trapped under a cat.
I lived for years with clutter and chaos in my home due to caring for a sick parent (my Mom had Alzheimer’s) while managing a household with husband, kids and cats…all while attempting to run multiple businesses. It was, without a doubt, one of the most difficult times in my life. I survived it by ignoring non-essentials and allowing them to pile up around me. (I later realized I had sacrificed some essentials too.) I let go of as much as I could and focused on keeping my mother and my two very small children safe and well and socialized, though I didn’t always do the same for me. I rode the roller coaster of emotions that comes with constant uncertainty and sleep deprivation, mom guilt and caregiver guilt, and so much more.
When my time caring for my mother came to an end, I looked around and was shocked at the fall out. I was ashamed and weary and I didn’t like who I was or want to live like that anymore. I didn’t want my family to live like that anymore. So I set out to change it. And me.
I slowly began to care for myself far more than I had for years, exploring holistic remedies and reteaching myself how to embrace rest and balance. I read tons of books and listened to thought leaders and expert organizers who inspired me to clear our space and follow my calling. As I did this, I saw how much it changed my whole family…how much it healed us…and knew I had to help others experience that too.
I have lived through extreme stress, mom guilt, self-care struggles, codependency, the caregiver life, corporate world angst, direct sales drama, marital challenges, diet and exercise woahs, entrepreneurial endeavors, and the quest for holistic living in a compartmentalize world that sets us up for burn out.
I firmly believe that what we go through in our lives offers us an opportunity to learn and grow and help others. It’s my mission to advocate for the chronically overwhelmed and be the antidote to their stress.