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Jennifer Gonzalez
Teaching strategies, classroom management, education reform, educational technology -- if it has something to do with teaching, we're talking about it. Jennifer Gonzalez interviews educators, students, administrators and parents about the psychological and social dynamics of school, trade secrets, and other juicy things you'll never learn in a textbook. For more fantastic resources for teachers, visit
196: Four Models for Doing Blended Learning in Your Classroom
Even though many of us are back in physical classrooms this year, blended learning offers a way to weave together online and offline learning to position students at the center of the learning process. Instead of reverting back to a teacher-led, whole-group instructional model, blended learning can free us from the front of the room and allow us to work directly with individual and small groups of learners. In this episode, Catlin Tucker shares four specific models teachers can follow for structuring blended learning lessons and units to suit different purposes. ------------------- Thanks to CoderZ and Today by Studyo for sponsoring this episode. ---------------- Check out Catlin's book, The Complete Guide to Blended Learning (affiliate link).
195: Five Fantastic Ideas for Collaboration Projects
Collaboration is great as long as you have high-quality projects for students to work on. In this episode, we'll explore five unique ideas for collaborative projects that can be adapted for any subject area, along with suggestions for adding criticality and opportunities for student agency to each one. ------------------- Thanks to CoderZ and Hapara for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 16: Do a smooth first read.
Stopping while you read a text out loud might be necessary in order to explain, dissect, or analyze something, but those interruptions can really mess up a listener's experience of the text. Next time, start with a smooth first read, then start over and get into the instruction. ---------- You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Edulastic for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
194: Finding the Funk: 3 Ways to Add Culturally Responsive Critical Thinking to Your Lessons
Critical thinking is something usually reserved only for advanced classes, but if we want our students to receive an equitable education, they all need regular practice in thinking critically. In this episode, Tangible Equity author Colin Seale shares three easy strategies for infusing critical thinking into any lesson. ------------------- Thanks to CoderZ and Pear Deck for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 15: Set aside time to set norms.
If too many of your classroom plans go off the rails, you might need to add more norm-setting, where you clarify expectations in detail before starting an activity. It's a step some of us skip, but the time you spend on it will pay off later. ---------- You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Edulastic for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
193: Creating Language-Affirming Classrooms for Code-Switching Students
Language shapes so much of who we are, but not all students feel they can bring their whole selves into the classroom. Even the most well-meaning teachers can unwittingly do more harm than good. In this episode, educator Andrea Castellano answers some common questions about students who code-switch between languages and dialects and shares research-based practices that will help multilingual students flourish. ------------------- Thanks to CoderZ and Edulastic for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 14: Find teachable moments in the downtime.
We spend a LOT of time with students, and quite a bit of that time is not used for direct instruction. This "downtime" offers plenty of tiny opportunities for teaching, assessment, and relationship building—we just have to recognize them. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Pear Deck for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
192: How to Use Backward Chaining to Differentiate Instruction
We've covered a lot of differentiation strategies over the years, and here's one you may not have heard of: backward chaining. It allows students to start a task a few steps ahead, allowing them to experience a sense of completion that might otherwise be out of reach. My guest Melanie Meehan explains how it works. ------------------- Thanks to Pear Deck and Spinndle for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 13: Add novelty to boost learning.
Adding an unexpected ingredient to a lesson makes students more likely to remember the thing they were supposed to learn. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Pear Deck for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
191: In Support of Trans Athlete Inclusion in Women's Sports
Whether or not you're involved in athletics, all teachers will have transgender students in their classrooms, and understanding the issues that impact them will make you a better teacher for these vulnerable students. In this episode, I talk with former college athlete and sports policy scholar Katie Lever about the reasons trans athletes should be included in women's sports. ------------------- Thanks to Pear Deck and Spinndle for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
190: Why so many teachers are leaving, and why others stay.
Teachers are leaving the classroom in larger numbers than ever, and many are breaking contracts mid-year just to get out. What can school leaders do to stop this? What makes one school lose teachers in the double digits, while others manage to hold on to almost everyone? In this episode, we'll hear the stories of four teachers who left their jobs in the past year. Then we'll hear the words of hundreds of teachers who stayed, and what administrators in those schools did differently. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and Spinndle for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 12: Model EVERYTHING.
There are so many things we ask our students to do in school that they would do so much better if we just modeled it for them. While modeling is already probably a strategy you're using to teach some concepts, you probably could be using it a whole lot more, and getting more from your students as a result. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Stash101 for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
189: Eight Principles for Supporting Students with ADHD
Many teachers don't know enough to effectively meet the needs of students with ADHD. In this episode, we'll take a look at 8 principles you can apply to your teaching that can help these students thrive. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and Read&Write by Texthelp for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 11: Replace general praise with something specific.
When we say something generic like "good job," it might make a student feel good, but that's about it. What has a lot more impact is specific praise given to individual people. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Stash101 for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
188: Uncovering Your Implicit Biases: An Exercise for Teachers
An essential first step toward becoming an anti-racist educator is uncovering your own implicit biases—attitudes and beliefs about certain groups of people you may not even realize you have. In this episode, Hedreich Nichols walks us through an 8-question exercise to help us start to do this work on ourselves. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and Read&Write by Texthelp for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 10: Use music to buffer "silent" activities.
True silence is almost impossible to achieve in the classroom, and extraneous noises can be distracting. Adding background music creates a sanctuary where sustained concentration is more likely to happen. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Stash101 for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
187: Contrasting Cases: A Simple Strategy for Deep Understanding
This activity can be plugged into any lesson when you want students to go beyond surface traits and consider deeper connecting principles. My guest Sarah Levine shows us how it works. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and Read&Write by Texthelp for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 9: Use an antiseptic bounce to prevent off-task behavior.
When you see early signs of off-task behavior, you might think your only choices are to ignore it or address it directly. The antiseptic bounce gives you a third option. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Stash101 for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
186: Using Gallery Walks for Peer Feedback
Peer feedback can be an incredible tool for student growth IF students are trained in how to do it well. In this episode, English teacher Marcus Luther shares how he prepares students for gallery walks, where they give insightful, affirming feedback to each other's writing. With a heavy emphasis on modeling and seting clear norms, Luther's approach is one teachers can follow to help students give higher quality feedback in any class. ------------------- Thanks to Fearless Schools and Read&Write by Texthelp or sponsoring this episode. -------------------
185: How Teachers Can Support Arab-American Students
Even when they appear to be navigating school successfully, Arab-American students aren't thriving like they could. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Sawsan Jabar about how teachers can change that. ------------------- Thanks to Fearless Schools and Google's Applied Digital Skills for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
184: Lessons that Build Students' Media and News Literacy
Our students can access information on any topic in seconds, so we need to build their media and news literacy. In this episode, I talk with Common Sense Education's Kelly Mendoza about their Digital Citizenship curriculum, with a special focus on the media and news literacy component, walking through three sample lessons you can try in your own classroom. ------------------- Thanks to Fearless Schools and Google's Applied Digital Skills for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 8: Don't take anything personally.
So many things don't go our way throughout the school day, and if we can learn how to take a step back, to depersonalize these situations, we'll be able to respond rather than react. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Floop for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
183: Six Tech Tools to Try in 2022
This year's picks include a video conferencing platform that feels more like a physical space, a database of books where the main characters are black girls, a career exploration platform, math lessons that students will actually care about, a device that combines tech with hands-on play, and a collection of art experiments. ------------------- Learn more about the Teacher's Guide to Tech at ------------------- Thanks to Fearless Schools and Google's Applied Digital Skills for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 7: Stop popcorn reading.
Popcorn or "round-robin" reading has been around forever, even though it's not supported by research and can actually slow down students' reading progress. Learn more about why you should stop doing it and what strategies to put in its place. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Floop for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
182: Eight Ways to Grow Students' Vocabulary
Building a robust vocabulary is an essential part of any education. Students will learn new words in our classes no matter what, but if we're deliberate about giving them regular instructional opportunities to learn them, they'll learn so many more. In this episode, Dr. Angela Peery shares eight specific strategies you can use to build your students' vocabulary in any subject area and at any grade level. ------------------- Thanks to fastIEP and Google's Applied Digital Skills for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 6: Try a tiered activity for simple differentiation.
If you want to do more differentiation, but you feel overwhelmed by the idea of creating lots of individual lessons, try creating a tiered activity. This simple differentiation strategy gives students an appropriate level of challenge without a lot of prep on your part. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Floop for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
181: Teachers are being silenced. What can be done about it?
How is the anti-CRT movement harming and silencing teachers, what damage will it ultimately do to students, and what can be done to fight it? For a more complete overview of this topic, be sure to check out EdTrust's podcast series EdTrusted: The Critical Race Theory Craze That’s Sweeping the Nation. ------------------- Thanks to CommonLit and Brain Power Academy for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 5: Use huddles to communicate during group work.
When students are working in groups, and we need to get their attention, shouting over the noise certainly gets the job done, but huddles work so much better. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Floop for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
180: Make Units More Inspiring with Vision Boards
Planning instructional units can be less than exciting when all you have to deal with is words and more words. Creating a vision board at the beginning of a unit can generate fresh enthusiasm and help you focus on what truly matters. In this episode, teachers Amanda Cardenas and Marie Morris share how vision boards work in their classrooms. ------------------- Thanks to CommonLit and fastIEP for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 4: Hold off on most feedback until AFTER a task is done.
When we see students making a mistake, we may be tempted to stop them and offer a correction. It might be best to resist that temptation, at least for a little while. You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Microsoft Reading Progress in Teams for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
179: Teachers are barely hanging on. Here's what they need.
Teachers are saying this is the worst school year ever. In this episode, I'll explore the reasons why, offer some solutions, and also share a few other loosely related thoughts that may or may not help. ------------------- Thanks to CommonLit and Brain Power Academy for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 3: Distract the Distractor
This subtle little teaching move stops off-task behavior in a class session and gets things back on track without drama! You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Reading Progress in Teams for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
178: Street Data: A Pathway Toward Equitable, Anti-Racist Schools
Many well-intended efforts to make schools more equitable often fail because we're trying to make them work inside a system that's a terrible fit for them. What's been missing is a whole-school approach that creates a path forward that is radically different from what we've done before. In this episode, I talk with the authors of the book Street Data—Shane Safir and Jamila Dugan—about their ground-up approach to school transformation, one that lets go of the fixation on text scores and centers marginalized voices instead. ------------------- Thanks to CommonLit and ISTE for sponsoring this episode. ------------------- Find Shane and Jamila online at and
EduTip 2: Don't yell at another teacher's class.
When you come in and rescue another teacher from a misbehaving class, you think you're being helpful, when really, you're just disempowering them. Try another approach! You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Reading Progress in Teams for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
177: How to Find, Read, and Use Academic Research
You want to know that your instructional decisions are supported by research, but you're not exactly sure where to find that research or how to read it correctly. In this episode, educational psychologist Kripa Sundar gives me a mini-course in how to dig up high-quality research, how to read and interpret it, and what we need to keep in mind about how academic research works. ------------------- Thanks to simpleshow and ISTE for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
EduTip 1: Don't make them read and listen at the same time.
Welcome to EduTips, a side project of the Cult of Pedagogy podcast where I share one quick tidbit of educational research, teaching ideas, classroom management strategies, or sometimes just a quick story. This first EduTip is DON'T MAKE THEM READ AND LISTEN AT THE SAME TIME. This is a mistake I see so many teachers, speakers, and other presenters make, and it's so easy to fix! You can find full written versions of these tips at ------------------- Thanks to Reading Progress in Teams for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
176: Suicide Prevention: What Teachers Can Do
What factors are most likely to contribute to suicide in young people, and how can teachers recognize the signs? In this episode I talk with Anne Moss Rogers, mental health and suicide prevention speaker, about how teachers can help to prevent suicide in adolescents and children. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and ISTE for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
175: Introducing the HyperRubric
Most rubrics only tell students where they are right now, but a HyperRubric marks their progress as they go, then points them to tools that can help them improve. In this episode, I talk with ELA teachers Tyler Rablin and Jeff Frieden about how they developed this new format and how it works. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and ISTE for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
174: Why You Should Bring Podcasts Into Your Classroom
There's a good chance you're already sold on the value of podcasts. But have you brought this incredible medium into your classroom in a substantial or consistent way? The goal of this episode is to convince you to do just that. My guests—Lindsay Patterson, Marshall Escamilla, and Monica Brady-Myerov—are three major figures in the educational podcast world. We'll be talking about the research behind listening as a learning modality, why podcasts make outstanding curricular resources, and the top four places you can find podcasts that are ideal for classroom use. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and Scholastic Scope for sponsoring this episode. ------------------- Looking for high-impact PD that won't take a lot of time? Check out my mini-course, 4 Laws of Learning, and use the code LISTENER at checkout to take $5 off the course tuition.
173: How ELA and Special Ed Collaboration Can Produce Great Student Writing
Writing is one of the most challenging academic tasks we ask of our students, and it can be especially difficult for students with learning differences. In this episode, special educator Sarah Riggs Johnson shares 11 key ingredients for optimizing the partnership between ELA teachers and learning specialists so that students with learning differences can become excellent writers. ------------------- Thanks to Listenwise and Scholastic Scope for sponsoring this episode.
172: The Importance of Maslow's Fourth Tier
What we call "attention-seeking behavior" is a sign of a deficit need. In this episode, my guest Connie Hamilton shares specific strategies we can use to help students meet their esteem needs—the fourth tier of Maslow's Hierarchy—in healthy, productive ways. ------------------- Thanks to Today by Studyo and Scholastic Scope for sponsoring this episode. ------------------- Learn more about my mini-course, Four Laws of Learning, at Remember to use the code LISTENER at checkout to get $5 off course tuition!
171: Does Your School Need a Literacy Check-up?
Literacy is arguably the most valuable asset we develop in our students, but many classrooms are missing some of the most effective literacy practices. In this episode, author and educator Angela Peery shares a set of tools any PK-12 teacher can use to evaluate what you're doing right, what you're missing, and how you can fill the gaps. ------------------- Thanks to Today by Studyo and Scholastic Scope for sponsoring this episode. ------------------- The check-up tools we discuss in this episode come from Peery's book (co-authored with Tracy Shiel), What to Look for in Literacy: A Leader's Guide to High Quality Instruction*. *affiliate link
170: No More Easy Button: A Suggested Approach to Post-Pandemic Teaching
Now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel of Covid-19, we have an opportunity for a fresh start in schools, and we can't waste it. Let’s take the wisdom we've gained over the last year and use it. Let's not go back to the way things used to be. ------------------- Thanks to Today by Studyo and Parlay for sponsoring this episode. -------------------
169: Revolution School: When "Reimagining School" Actually Happens
Revolution School is a fantastic new high school in Philadelphia where students co-create their education around experiential learning, community partnerships, and personal development. In this episode I learn about how Revolution works from Henry Fairfax, Head of School, Jane Shore, Head of Research and Innovation, and Master Educator Mike Pardee. ------------------- Thanks to Today by Studyo and Parlay for sponsoring this episode. ------------------- Learn more about Revolution School at
168: Mistake Analysis
Wrong answers can be an incredible tool for learning and critical thinking. In this episode, Thinking Like a Lawyer author Colin Seale teaches us four easy ways to add mistake analysis into our regular teaching practices. This is a strategy that works in any content area and at any grade level! ------------------- Thanks to Hāpara and TGR EDU: Explore for sponsoring this episode. ------------------- Mistake Analysis is just one of the many strategies in Seale's book, Thinking Like a Lawyer: A Framework for Teaching Critical Thinking to All Students*. *affiliate link
167: How to Co-Construct Success Criteria with Students
When we include students in the process of defining quality work, they are more likely to rise to those standards. In this episode, educator Starr Sackstein explains how she co-constructs success criteria with her students. ------------------- Thanks to Hāpara and TGR EDU: Explore for sponsoring this episode! ------------------- Looking for high-impact PD that won't take a lot of time? Check out my mini-course, 4 Laws of Learning, and use the code LISTENER at checkout to take $5 off the course tuition.
166: UDL as a Key to Equity
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that rejects one-size-fits-all teaching by offering students options for how to engage, what materials to use, and how to demonstrate learning, and it's a solid way to offer a more equitable education to all of our students. My guests Katie Novak and Mirko Chardin help us understand how it works and walk us through a sample lesson that's gotten the full UDL treatment. ------------------- Thanks so much to Hāpara and Kiddom for sponsoring this episode! ------------------- Get your copy of the 2021 Teacher's Guide to Tech at, and remember to use the code LISTENER at checkout for 10 percent off.
165: Setting Up Mastery-Based Grading in Your Classroom
It's a terrible feeling when you know some of your students didn't really learn the content, but you move them on anyway. Mastery-based grading solves that problem by requiring students to actually master key concepts before progressing to the next stage. In this episode, Kareem Farah of the Modern Classrooms Project shows us how it's done. This is the third and final episode of a three-part series that has taught us how to run a blended, self-paced, mastery-based model that works beautifully for remote, hybrid, or in-person learning. The first two episodes are 144, Making Great Screencast Videos, and 158, How to Create a Self-Paced Classroom. Join tens of thousands of other teachers who are learning how to implement the Modern Classrooms model by signing up for their free course (affiliate link). ------------------- Thanks so much to Hāpara and Kiddom for sponsoring this episode!
164: The Elegance of the Gray Area
An argument for spending more time practicing subtlety and nuance and complication in our thinking. This episode is sponsored by Kialo Edu and Kiddom.
163: It's Time to Give Classroom Jobs Another Try
These fresh ideas for student jobs will invigorate your classroom and get you and your students excited about school again—even if you teach remotely. My guest Thom Gibson shows us how he does it. This episode is sponsored by Kialo Edu and Kiddom. Check out the 2021 edition of the Teacher's Guide to Tech at and use the code LISTENER to get 10 percent off the new guide!