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Jim Bennett
Helping People to Dream. Dare. and Dazzle their world. Empowering Leaders without title to enable their family, community and organisation to be Stronger. Smarter. Safer!
Total 216 episodes
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D3 - 16: ZeRelationships - Social Life

D3 - 16: ZeRelationships - Social Life

This week we discuss your social life. In this category, we take a look at our relationships with our family and our friends.  Relationships are about RELATING and don't  stay the same over time. They take an investment, which is why having a vision for your social life can help you decide what kind of friendships you want to have. We also explore how to develop High Quality Friendships. Looking at some profound principles and life-changing content that will reveal  just how high the stakes are in this category. Then, we’ll share some powerful strategies for taking your social life to the next level. 
D3 - 15: ZeRelationships-Empowering Habits

D3 - 15: ZeRelationships-Empowering Habits

We define an extraordinary, romantic relationship as a passionate,  spiritual, emotional, sexual attachment between two people who love and trust each other, who are highly connected, who communicate effectively, and who value each other above all else. We identify some of the strategies you can use to make this happen in your own life. This links into the bonds of parenting. Whether you’re a parent or not, this will be a rich and rewarding category for you to explore. You were a kid once, you have parents, and children are an important part  of all our lives. Raising a child can be one of the richest, deepest experiences imaginable. It's an  intellectual, emotional, and spiritual journey that can't be duplicated. There are as many parenting styles as there are parents....
D3 - 14: ZeRelationships-LifePartner

D3 - 14: ZeRelationships-LifePartner

More than anything else, your relationships will determine your happiness. They go directly to the heart of your life experience. We will explore love relationships, Life Partnership, plus I'll share some insights from my experience and research.Weekly Exercise: What do you think makes a great love relationship? Write your answer in your journal...
D3 -13: ZeSpiritual Self

D3 -13: ZeSpiritual Self

There are hundreds of ways to define Spirituality, which is why you have to define it for yourself. What's right for you. Knowing what we believe and why we believe it gives us a deep strength within ourselves. It helps to create a feeling of standing on solid ground, and asks us the questions of who we are and what we are all about. This category deserves deep reflection because it is so rich and important. It addresses our purpose and the reasons why we are here. We’re going to go a little deeper and explore applying the principle of Lifestyle Integration to your Spiritual Life with an exercise designed to change your daily behavior and create real results.
D3 - 12: ZeMoral Self

D3 - 12: ZeMoral Self

Our Moral Self is about building good character which is a mark, a symbol oy our soul. The actions we do on a daily basis that reflects our inner compass of what is 'good and proper.'We look at what defines us and how we can choose to change these traits if we so wish to do so....
D3 - 11: ZeEmotions - Unhappy-Happy?

D3 - 11: ZeEmotions - Unhappy-Happy?

WE continue our journey of Transformational Change by looking at more depth into our ZeEmotional Life in respect to what makes us Happy and un-Happy.What to do more of and what to do less of....
D3 -10 ZeEmotions

D3 -10 ZeEmotions

This week we look how our Emotions influence and impact our lives. Exploring what are emotions, where do they come from, how do they improve our quality of life?This a link to the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Habit - From Effectiveness to Greatness
D3 - 09: ZeIntellect

D3 - 09: ZeIntellect

Our Intellectual life is regularly ignored in the personal development world. It's the foundation that sets us on our navigation towards an extraordinary life.Our ability to think is our primary survival toll that is of great help in our current turbulent world.We examine our ZeLandscape for a bright and beautiful future.
D3 - 08: ZeThought Control

D3 - 08: ZeThought Control

This week we explore how we control our thinking and what some of our 'thought shaping factors' are. Everything around us is brought into 'being' by the process of thinking.The quality of our thoughts are by choice - we have control. It impacts our education, relationships, career, love relationships, health, house we live in.....You can take control of your thinking.
D3 - 07 ZeHealth and Fitness - Purpose

D3 - 07 ZeHealth and Fitness - Purpose

Achieving our ZeHealth and Fitness Vision is primarily down to the leverage we get from our powerful Purpose that empowers how we see, hear and feel about ourselves.This week we look at the apparent reasons for failure and how to Landscape our life to achieve success in all categories of our Life Plan.Getting a deeper understanding how Health and Fitness integrates with our:* Financial Life * Parenting* Social Life* Career* Mind Wealth* Love Relationships* Emotional Wellbeing* Spirituality* Individual Character* Quality of Life* Our Life Vision Helping us to Dream, Believe and Achieve.
D3 - 06 ZeHealth and Fitness - Vision

D3 - 06 ZeHealth and Fitness - Vision

This is the first of our 12 categories of our ZeLife Plan where we explore the Vision of our ideal health and fitness.There isn't a single area of Life that isn't affected by our health and fitness. We look at the foundation principles that helps scope our health and fitness Vision.A 'Win' in this category is a win in everywhere in your life.
D3-05: ZeLife Plan - Getting started

D3-05: ZeLife Plan - Getting started

ZeLife Plan Getting Started is about making our first steps in enabling our Big Hairy Audacious Goals. explore the areas most important to us looking at:* My personal life* My relationships* My business life* My quality of life* My Life Vision And what makes an Extraordinary Life?Why isn't everyone doing it?Our draft ZeLife Plan may be found here
D3-04 Visioning

D3-04 Visioning

Now it’s time to explore the other 11 life categories to discover how they affect, and are affected by, your life and career. This is a crucial step in developing your life and career vision, because it sets the tone for a 12-category smart lifestyle, and leaves no area of your life to chance as you build your extraordinary life!Your Workbook may be found in this link:
D3-03 ZePlan for Life

D3-03 ZePlan for Life

We explore creating Zest Strategic Life/Career Plan and look in each of the following areas:* Current State: Where am I now?* Vision: Where am I going?* Implementation: How will I get there? * Measurement: How will I gauge my progress?This week look at 'Current State:1. Where am I now?2. Who am I now?3. What I am Facing
D3-02: Discernement

D3-02: Discernement

We introduce the principle of Discernment and critical thinking in daily and business life. Explore Value Led leadership and what it means in our turbulent world.Dr. Carrie Madej: Human 2.0 - A Wake up Call to the World?She encourages everyone to use discernment and do their own research into current global activities - providing data research links for your own investigation.
D3 (Dream Dare Dazzle) 01: Hello World

D3 (Dream Dare Dazzle) 01: Hello World

Hello World!Introducing Jim Bennett Global's 'Dream Dare Dazzle' Show...Where he shares insights from over 30 years Global Leadership Coaching in the Energy Sector.Travelling from the Artic to Australia experiencing circa 100 discreet cultures - being a Project leader for Transformational Change in the Oil and Gas Exploration and Distribution, Local Government, Logistics, Petrochemicals and Maritime Sectors.A Process Safety and Loss Control Engineer underpinned by the field of Human Factors - "spinning Loss Control on its head" to navigate the field of 'Peak Performance"