445: ACoK Theon VI
Spoilers, profanity, Jaime x Brienne. We find new and creative ways to say “Ugh, Theon, no!” as he finds more kids to potentially murder. Wex shames everyone into being brave, but no one thinks trying to hold Winterfell is a good idea. Theon, we know you were a hostage but listen to Maester Luwin, or your sister, or ANYONE, ffs... Anyway, Theon, you suck (but admittedly Ramsay sucks more). Bonus: Devan gives his thoughts on the new Dragon Show—can he talk Guile into podcasting about House of the Dragon? Finally, we all wonder how Matt Smith didn’t know what he was getting himself into. A Song of Ice and Fire. A Clash of Kings - Theon VI.
Close The Door And Come Here - Episode 445