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Religion & Spirituality
Amos Johnson Jr, PhD
The Church for Entrepreneurs Podcast brings you daily Bible teachings and conversations that help you grow spiritually, enabling you to achieve the calling God has placed in your heart.
Satan can't read our thoughts
Daily Word - Many believers give Satan too much power over them. They do this by contributing God-like attributes to him. For example, God can read our thoughts, so many assume Satan can as well. However, he is a fallen angel, not God. Therefore, Satan can’t read our thoughts and bring the fears in our thoughts to pass. This revelation brings peace, so we can process and work through fearful thoughts without being afraid that Satan knows what we are thinking and can use that against us. Links - Join, Partner
The essentials of your calling
Open Forum - We discussed what should comprise the essentials of your calling and the importance of developing those essentials so you don't get pulled off course. We also discussed that there is freedom in accepting your calling, God guiding you when you go in a wrong direction, and a few other interesting things about callings. Links - Join, Partner
Contentment does not mean complacency
Daily Word - A misunderstanding of contentment is causing many of us to hold back the growth of our calling. Some think contentment means complacency. However, Biblical contentment means that during the ups and downs of pursuing your calling, you have an internal joy and peace that result in increased success in your calling. Links - Join, Partner
Boldly present your credentials and offer to potential clients
Daily Word - As Christians, at times, we are timid in declaring why our business is great for the job to potential clients. We do this because of a false sense of humility. We don’t want to sound as though we are bragging or come off as prideful. However, when you have the opportunity to pitch your business (or yourself) to a client, don’t hold back. Boldly present your credentials and how you will solve the client’s problems. If Jesus was bold to declare that He was the way to salvation, we should boldly declare that our business is the way to solve a client’s problems. Links - Join, Partner
Commit to the lane God has given you
Open Forum — We discussed: that we shouldn't get involved in problems we are not called to solve; that there is a difference between multitasking and being multifocused; that we need to intentionally procrastinate some decisions; and a few other interesting topics. Links - Join, Partner
Think on God’s level to prosper
Daily Word - What holds us back from entrepreneurial success is natural thinking based on our limited resources. For example, God calls you to open up a daycare, but you only have one hundred dollars in the bank. Your natural thinking says, “I don’t have enough to do it.” However, God’s thinking says you have enough money; you just need to use your faith to get more. For us to prosper, we must think on God’s level. Links - Join, Partner
Tithes, curses, and blessings
Bible Study - Last Sunday, I discussed how I believe that giving to ministries should be done based on a leading from the Holy Spirit instead of following the Old Covenant rule of tithing. However, I did not show all the Bible research I did to come to this conclusion. In this longer format message, I go through the Bible study I went through to come to this conclusion. If you would like to hear all the details and have about 30 minutes, then I invite you to listen to this message. Links - Join, Partner
The children of this world are wiser than the children of light
Daily Word - There are two economic systems on Earth – the world system and God’s system – which operate entirely differently. Jesus told us that the children of this world are wiser than the children of light. This means that they understand how to get ahead financially within their own economic system, whereas God’s children are unaware and don’t make full use of their economic system. Links - Join, Partner
Holy Spirit-led vs rule-based giving to ministries
Sunday Service Online - With us launching a physical church in Atlanta, Georgia on January 9th, a question I am asked often is, "are people supposed to tithe to Church for Entrepreneurs?" Well, for me the answer is — it depends on what Holy Spirit tells you to do. Let's examine the difference between Holy Spirit-led giving versus rule-based giving to ministries. Links - Join, Partner
Seed, direction, and diligence produces harvest
Daily Word - Let’s look at how sowing a seed plus direction from God with diligent action produces an abundant harvest. Links - Join, Partner
Achieving your faith project
Daily Word - A faith project is when you go after something you currently don’t have the resources to get. For example, buying a house or leasing office space when you don’t have the money. In today’s message, learn a six-step analysis process to think through and achieve your faith project. Links - Join, Partner
One goal, one race, and one prize
Daily Word - What are you striving toward? Well, we all have one goal, one race, and one prize. Links - Join, Partner
Faith can fix or create
Open Forum - We discussed using faith to create our way out of problems, embracing the personality God has given you, and other interesting topics. Links - Join, Partner
Do not overwork to be rich
Daily Word - Many believers are doing too much. Instead they need to rest and not overwork to be rich. Links - Join, Partner
Perfect peace is based on our thoughts
Daily Word - God calls His peace, “Perfect.” His perfect peace allows us to walk victoriously without fear and stress. However, to have his perfect peace, we must keep our thoughts focused on Him. Links - Join, Partner
Defining the culture of your organization
Open Forum - We discussed the importance of intentionally defining the culture of your organization. We also discussed how to determine if you should purchase a vehicle for your business, imposter syndrome and whether you should maximize profits at the expense of people. In addition, the Word of the Lord came forth for those facing challenges. Links - Join, Partner
Seeking God early is critical to your daily success
Daily Word - We hate waking up early in the morning. However, if you don’t seek God before you get started with your day, then you’re missing out on valuable information related to your success for that day. Let's learn how seeking God early is directly related to your success as an entrepreneur. Links - Join, Partner
Performance Christianity does not please God
Daily Word - Do you pray because you are supposed to? Do you go to church because you have to? Do you tithe or give because you are robbing God if you don’t? Well, I know I have done these things and felt these ways before. This is because I used to be a performance Christian. Meaning, I would do things out of obligation. If I didn’t pray enough, or give enough, or go to church enough, etc., then I felt condemned. However, after studying the Word and gaining insight from Holy Spirit, I have since learned that performance Christianity doesn’t produce faith or get me closer to God. Let's discover how the grace of God brings the performance to an end and changes our motives from obligation to love. Links - Join, Partner
Should Christians Attend Church
Daily Word - There is a battle in the body of Christ that is occurring over the question, “Should Christians attend church?” Research shows that each year 3 million Christians stop attending their church, and only 15% of Americans attend a local church. Given that people are leaving church by the millions, let's address this issue by examining the scriptures to bring light to the question of church attendance. Links - Join, Partner
Giving of thanks
Daily Word - Today the USA celebrates Thanksgiving. It is a time for family gatherings and reconnecting with old friends. However, what is the meaning of thanksgiving? Well, it is more than food and fellowship. Let's learn the biblical purpose of thanksgiving and discover the spiritual power behind giving thanks. Links - Join, Partner
Healing nor prosperity is a reward for good behavior
Daily Word - There is an idea that we need to eradicate from our thought processes so we can experience God’s best in our lives. It is the idea that healing and prosperity are rewards for good behavior. The truth is that healing and prosperity are part of our salvation benefits package, which is based on God’s love for us, not our behavior. Links - Join, Partner
Success comes through taking up your cross
Daily Word - Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so we could be reconciled back to God as his children. Jesus’ calling was to save us, and He did it well, but to accomplish His calling, He had to “take up His cross.” In like manner, Jesus instructs us to “take up our cross” and follow Him. However, what does this really mean? Well, for those of us with entrepreneurial callings, taking up our cross represents going in a different direction than normal society and being considered foolish for following the dream God has given us. It is the complete surrender of our will to achieve the calling God gave us, until we leave this earth through death or rapture. Links - Join, Partner
Success comes in steps (not leaps) of faith
Daily Word - Many believers have a misconception about faith. They see faith as taking a giant leap into the unknown; however, real faith is simply following the steps God has laid out for us. This means that, nine times out of ten, your success in entrepreneurship will come in steps — not leaps — of faith.. Links - Join, Partner
Learning to Rest in the Finished Works
Sunday Service - There are two paths of life in which we can choose. A life path of our own effort or the life path predestined for us by God. The life path of our own effort involves much toil. The life path God has for us involves resting in His finished works. Therefore, we have before us, death and destruction or life and prosperity. Today, we will explore the difference between the two. Links - Join, Partner
Overcoming the success dilemma
Daily Word - On a regular basis, most of us face the “success dilemma,” which is choosing between following our calling from God or doing something else “we think” will make more money. I know I do. However, this success dilemma is a trick of Satan to get us out of the will of God. But the truth is if we simply stick to our calling, we will be in God’s will and achieve financial success. Links - Join, Partner
Getting off the emotional roller coaster of success depression
Daily Word - One problem I personally work to overcome is “success depression.” Links - Join, Partner
Prayer for CFE Atlanta launch
Prayer Gathering - We prayed for the launch of the CFE Atlanta Church campus and for the prayer requests of those who attended. If you missed it, don't worry. There is no time in the spirit, just pray with us on the replay. Links - Join, Partner
Who are you
Open Forum - We discussed how to lead people of diverse opinions, life experiences, and perspectives. Along with other interesting topics, we also discussed that until you know who you are, you are going to fall for evil and not know how God wants you to implement your calling. Links - Join, Partner
Don’t worry about saving money in the startup days
Daily Word - If you are in the startup days of your entrepreneurial calling, don’t worry about saving money for the future (e.g., retirement plans, college funds, etc.). During this temporary startup session, focus on establishing your calling and relying on God for daily provision. Links - Join, Partner
Creating success starts with faith words
Daily Word - The success you desire to create through your entrepreneurial endeavors is created with words of faith. Yes we need to put in work, but success created God’s way starts with words. Links - Join, Partner
Receiving is built on expectation
Daily Word - Let’s look at the connection between receiving and expectation. You’ll discover that without expecting to receive from your giving, you are cutting off your harvest. Links - Join, Partner
How to increase financially on your day job
Pastoral Chat - Many people are in the beginning journey of entrepreneurship and working a day job. And as they're working a day job, one of the things that come up is either that the job is not fulfilling or the job is not making enough money for their life. Use the entrepreneurial passion you have right now, and even if you can't apply it to your own thing, apply it to the job that you're at. As you do this, watch how God will increase you financially on your day job. Links - Join, Partner
We are not designed to retire
Sunday Service - We are designed to work in grace, not to retire in exhaustion. Many of us are striving to retire, instead of striving to live. We should be resting in the work that will be doing until we leave this Earth. We need to stop planning to die, and start living. Links - Join, Partner
How to properly listen to a sermon
Daily Word - You probably have heard ministers delivering sermons on the same topics from opposing viewpoints. Or you may have heard them teach something you didn’t agree with. In today’s message, I share how you can properly listen to a sermon from me and other ministers; in doing so, benefit from the sermon and not be led astray by wrong or confusing doctrine. Links - Join, Partner
“God is going to work it out” is not a strategy for success
Daily Word - I have been guilty of this many times. Here is the story: God gives me an idea. I start implementing it, and then I run into some challenges. At this point, I throw up my hands and say, “God is going to work it out.” However, it crashes and burns. Did God let me down? No. The problem is that “God is going to work it out” is not a strategy for success. God needs us to plan. Links - Join, Partner
God is leading you to move
Open Forum - We discussed a lot about how to know when God is leading you to move either physically, occupationally, or relationally. We also discussed that sometimes we need to yield to the desires of our spouse, even when we desire not to do it. Links - Join, Partner
Peace overrides natural understanding
Open Forum - We discussed that married entrepreneurs have to navigate between their family and entrepreneurial calling and that family emotions work different than co-worker emotions. We also discussed that we need to follow the peace of God, not our natural understanding. Links - Join, Partner
Lessons learned in the midst of church planting
I asked two of my friends (George Houston and Evan Black) who are also planting churches in metro Atlanta in January to join me in a discussion about church planting. In this discussion, you will get a behind-the-scenes look at church planting from three diverse perspectives. We are discussing our fears, challenges, and wins. If you are considering planting a church, this conversation will encourage you and give you insight. If you are considering joining one of our churches, this conversation will give you an inside look at the heart behind our calling to launch a church. George is launching Linked UP Church North in Woodstock, GA, on January 2, 2022. Evan is launching Propel Church in Acworth, GA, on January 2, 2022. We are launching the Atlanta campus of Church for Entrepreneurs in Atlanta, GA, on January 9, 2022.
Why secular entrepreneurs are more successful
Daily Word - We hear many stories of successful non-Christian entrepreneurs on the news, and every now and then, we hear about few Christians who have achieved success in business. Why does it seem like secular entrepreneurs are more successful in business than Christian entrepreneurs? Well, the reason is that they have fully committed to their worldly system of success, whereas many Christian entrepreneurs are wishy-washy. They are trying to do business God’s way mixed with worldly principles, which is a recipe for frustration and failure. Links - Join, Partner
The Word for 2021 was and is Rest
Sunday Service - At the beginning of each year, God shares with me a word that He desires for those who are connected with Church for Entrepreneurs to focus on for that entire year. The Word for 2021 was and is Rest. Let’s remind ourselves of this word, so we can finish the year strong in “Rest.” Links - Join, Partner
They will know us by our love for each other
Daily Word - The body of Christ has more of a love problem, than a doctrinal problem. Many believers are spending more time trying to correct each other, than they are loving each other. A sign of a believer is not correct doctrine, but the love they have for another believer. Links - Join, Partner
This is prosperity
Daily Word - Prosperity is a constant state of wealth, not occasionally having some money or mostly being able to meet your needs and desires. It is a condition where all your needs and desires are met, and you have more than enough to give to every good cause. In today’s message, learn more about prosperity and how the blessing brings you prosperity. Links - Join, Partner
Embrace the shift in your passion
Open Forum - We discussed that as a leader, you can have control or growth, but you can't have both. We also discussed the need to embrace the shifts in your passions, how you were built to create order out of chaos, you having a God DNA that is at odds with your current position, and a few other interesting topics. Links - Join, Partner
Prosperity is through the blessing not giving or serving
Daily Word - Many Christians are giving and serving in church but still struggling in the area of prosperity. One of the major causes of this is a misunderstanding of how God brings prosperity to us. Prosperity is not promised because we give or serve, but it is promised through the blessing, which is activated through the work of our hands. Links - Join, Partner
Sowing into your business produces a harvest
Daily Word - Let’s look at how sowing into your business is a seed that produces a harvest. Links - Join, Partner
Intentional neglect
Open Forum - We discussed that sometimes we have to intentionally neglect some important tasks, so we can do what is needed most at the moment. We also talked about who is at fault if your child experiences mental illness, whether Christians should participate in Halloween, finding your purpose, and a few other interesting things. Links - Join, Partner
Grace, faith, and living holy
Daily Word - Various bible teachers and pastors preach on the topics of grace, faith, and living holy. Most times you hear these topics in isolation, and depending on who you listen to, it can appear these topics contradict each other. For example, if we are living under grace, do we have to follow God’s law to live holy? If we don’t live holy, do we fall out of grace? Or how do faith and grace work together to receive the promises of God? In today’s message, discover how these three pivotal bible truths work together for our success. Links - Join, Partner
How to honor God with your money
Daily Word - Most Christians equate honoring God with their money, with giving money to a church. This is good, but it is a limited understanding. Listen to today’s Daily Word to learn about honoring God with your money. Links - Join, Partner
Confusing Ministry and Business will limit your Success
Daily Word - A major key to success is knowing what type of calling God has given you. For example, has God called you to start and run a ministry or business? Confusing ministry and business will limit your success in either. In today’s message, I explain the differences and nuances between these two callings, so you can clearly discern what type of calling God has given you. Links - Join, Partner
Faith is learned by practice
Daily Word - Have you ever wondered why, after studying the Bible consistently or listening to sermons weekly, you somehow still don’t have the faith you need to move the mountains in your life? Well, the reason is that faith is learned through practice, not just reading or listening. Links - Join, Partner