The Power of Your Subconscious Mind with Todd Goodwin M.S., BCH, FNGHis one of the few hypnotists (1 in 500) to earn the title of Board Certified Fellow by the National Guild of Hypnotists. He is also a certified Master Practitioner of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and a member of the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine. Todd has studied human behavior since 1995. He earned a bachelor’s in behavioral science from Washington University and a master’s in nutrition from Simmons University. Since opening Goodwin Hypnosis (formerly the Miami Hypnosis Center) in 2007, Todd has helped thousands to resolve a range of personal challenges. Todd has been trained by several experts in human behavior, including Dr. John Demartini, developer of the transformational Demartini Method. As part of his rapid change work with clients, Todd also uses Integral Eye Movement Therapy, a fast, powerful, and versatile alternative to EMDR. Todd has given presentations to physicians and medical staff at Baptist Health and Jackson Health System, and to University of Miami medical students. He has held workshops at Canyon Ranch, the International Employee Assistance Professionals Association, and Miami-Dade County’s health and fire departments. Todd has also been interviewed and featured by various media outlets, including the Miami Herald, Telemundo, and local radio programs. Currently, Todd sees private clients primarily to resolve emotional trauma and its emotional and behavioral consequences. These include stress, anxiety, fears, panic, and unwanted behaviors. His strategy is to identify and resolve the underlying causes of these personal issues, instead of merely addressing symptoms. His mission is to help people “wake up” and understand the relationship between their mind, body, health, and life experiences, so they can think, feel, and do better.