The Art of Mind Control with Jason ChristoffJoin us as we welcome Jason Christoff, a thought leader in self-sabotage coaching, returning with his fascinating insights on societal trends and the subtle art of mind control. Jason draws attention to the alarming increase in the use of sedative substances, particularly in Canada, and how these trends might be part of a broader agenda to weaken societal structures. Our conversation challenges listeners to recognize these patterns and resist the influences that threaten their autonomy, urging them to engage more deeply with their own subconscious motivations. Our exploration takes us into the realms of subconscious influence, where we discuss the pervasive power of media and entertainment in shaping human behavior. By likening individuals to "human sheep," we question the extent to which our daily habits and belief systems are shaped by repetitive exposure to certain narratives. From the consumption of alcohol and coffee to the acceptance of vaccines, we scrutinize the role of subconscious programming in our decision-making processes, raising questions about the true safety and efficacy of these widely accepted norms. We turn a critical eye to the societal implications of cannabis use and its effects on brain function, especially the hippocampus, a vital region for memory and danger response. By weaving in expert opinions and studies, we explore the idea of an ongoing societal "war" on brain function. The episode rounds off with practical advice on optimizing health and building resilience through mindful living. Inspired by Paul Chek's teachings, we share transformative personal journeys of quitting substances like alcohol and adopting holistic lifestyle practices to foster enhanced well-being and mental clarity. --------- HIGHLIGHTS --------- 0:00:01 - Empowerment and Escaping Graves (33 Seconds) 0:09:03 - Government Mind Control Tactics (45 Seconds) 0:18:14 - Alcohol Abstinence and Government Regulations (60 Seconds) 0:22:45 - War on the Hippocampus (68 Seconds) 0:32:15 - Organic Living & Aging Hair Color (37 Seconds) 0:38:50 - Hormones and Fat Gain Relationship (131 Seconds) 0:44:51 - Decline in Beer Sales Impact (74 Seconds) 0:49:21 - Discussing Content and Future Projections (70 Seconds) ---------------------------------------------- * Government Mind Control Tactics | 0:09:03 - 0:09:48 (45 Seconds) 0:09:03 Jason Christoff If they showed up on a Friday night and you know they walked in with an 80 inch TV and said, excuse me, excuse me, and we're just going to drill this into your wall and they hook up the cable, then they grab your wife and they pin her down and pour some wine down her throat and in the morning the same Gestapo government staffers show up and pour coffee down your throat, which is one of their favorite psychoactive mind control drugs. You would catch on. You would be like you know, I don't know why I'm getting this free 80 inch TV. I don't know why they're holding me down and making me drink this alcohol and saying it's healthy in moderation. What's with this coffee? I don't like the taste of it. I feel kind of groovy after it's done. There's something nefarious going on here. ---------------------------------------------- * Alcohol Abstinence and Government Regulations | 0:18:14 - 0:19:14 (60 Seconds) 0:18:14 Ryan McCormick Well, I love that answer. Thank you for being so thorough and it's very obvious. I mean, look at, some of these films are very much into predictive programming. But I want to share some of you that I actually haven't shared with listeners before and that it's been over three months since I had a drink. I'm done, I think I'm pretty much done and I was having alcohol every day and I did it for a number of years and it's kind of strange, like when I stopped, my body more or less stopped it and I was just so surprised at how much my cognitive function increased and how emotionally stable things became. And I think I'm not going to say I think in the future I may have another beer or something, but I just don't have any desire for it. And but then I'm looking back and I was listening to some of the other shows Like it's shocking at how much it's pushed out there. But when the government's saying that it's legal, I don't know. I completely guess the idea of the government telling you what to do anything and the idea that they would put someone in a cage for putting something on their own body. It's, um, it's daunting to me. ---------------------------------------------- * War on the Hippocampus | 0:22:45 - 0:23:53 (68 Seconds) 0:22:45 Jason Christoff I have researched the group ruling us for a long time. I'm like that would be if I was in the ruling position. I'd really like my subjects not to react to the barrel of a gun or the tip of a bayonet. That would be quite advantageous for me, and so that stuck in my mind as well. So I knew marijuana shrunk the hippocampus. I know that you need a proper functioning hippocampus to defend yourself from danger. And then this new book called the Indoctrinated Brain, where the guy just that's all he focuses on is the hippocampus and he's been giving speeches lately or interviews lately about the hippocampus. He had a book on dementia that was a bestseller. Now he's got basically he's also saying that the spike protein if there is one. I'm still hesitant if there is a spike protein. But basically one of the side effects of the injection is to destroy the hippocampus and I'm like, okay, so it's sort of a war on hippocampus me I. ---------------------------------------------- * Hormones and Fat Gain Relationship | 0:38:50 - 0:41:01 (131 Seconds) 0:38:50 Jason Christoff So estrogen, Estrogen is what produces excess fat. So, and your hormones are like, directly related. Like, if your testosterone goes down, it can allow your estrogen to go up. If your estrogen goes down, your testosterone can go up. There's this. There's this level that your body won't let any either of the two hormones get old. So you're drinking poison, you're damaging yourself. You need fat to make the repairs. That's why your body voluntarily and purposely drops the testosterone, so it can increase the estrogen in order to produce the fat to make the repair on the damaged tissue wow, that's amazing. 0:39:35 Ryan McCormick I've never heard of that. 0:39:36 Jason Christoff Exactly so. No one's going to tell you that in school. Because if you had mercury teeth fillings, it's the same thing. If you took the COVID vaccine, or any vaccine, or even the vitamin K same thing. You took a Tylenol same thing. You're drinking coffee same thing. You get all this massive damage. And so your body's getting all these signals to drop the testosterone and keep the estrogen high, because you need to be fatty in order to have this reservoir of energy to make these repairs that you get from consuming, ingesting or injecting poison. So for males, it's very important. Guys, if you want to, you know, gain some muscle with doing nothing, because if your testosterone is at a good level, you literally get muscular doing very little. And if you want that, you got to get the poisons out, you got to get the sugar out, and that's why sugar causes fat gain too, because sugar is an acid. I mean sugar burns through your teeth. What do you think it does to your stomach or the blood vessels? Burns right through them. So of course you're doing massive damage inside your body if you're bringing in sugar. So of course your testosterone has got to go down, the fat's got to go up, the body's got to protect you from your moronic activity on the planet. So for men, get the poisons out. ---------------------------------------------- * Decline in Beer Sales Impact | 0:44:51 - 0:46:05 (74 Seconds) 0:44:51 Ryan McCormick I think there could be two big factors for that. One of them was this video by andrew huberman, who explained, I think it was like 12 minutes and I watched that video and in my subconscious something clicked over. I was like I'm done. And then when the fiasco came out with bud light, I think so many people were upset about that and they just quit out of spite. And then Jack Daniels was doing something like that and all those other things and I saw it and I was like, well, I'm not going to drink those despite that. Well then, I was like, well, I don't want to drink altogether and maybe some people are moving away from that. 0:45:23 Jason Christoff Maybe the elites overplayed their hand with that stuff oh, it was so funny because I did see that on the epic times, where the beer sales in general are down tremendously like people gave up the bud light because of the trans trying to stick the trannies junk down everybody's throat, not because it's bad for you, but because of that stuff. Yeah, exactly what I'm thinking. Hey, anything will do. God works in mysterious ways, right so? And then they said it's not only bud light that's down, it's uh, it's straight across the board. Beer sales are down not as much as bud light, but they're down nonetheless. And I'm like, yes, it's really interesting this. 0:46:03 Ryan McCormick Yeah, some literally positive things are coming.