Welcome dear listeners! On this installment of Geek Salad, we discuss our favorite in content, both Podcasts and YouTube Channels.
In Part One, we do a roundtable discussion on our favorite podcasts. We talk about such varied topics as Movies, Fairy Tales, News, Pop Culture, and so….very….much…Star Wars….
Please check out the podcasts discussed below. Make sure to subscribe to be notified about new episodes. And do please give them all a follow on Twitter!
For Your Reference: @ForYourRefPod www.fyrpodcast.com
Altered Universe: @alteredunivers1 https://open.spotify.com/show/6UXmXScJ0pEedhzKTR9JYX
Black Girls Do Stuff Too: @BlkGirlsDoStuff www.blackgirlsdostufftoo.com
Verbal Diorama: @VerbalDiorama www.verbaldiorama.com
Offscreen Babble: @offscreenbabble https://open.spotify.com/show/7dqyEtR0Tjc9PgBzlm4wvg
Cage’s Kiss: @CagesKiss https://t.co/SwfZMsaDiS?amp=1
Cinefiles: @TheCinefilesTV http://t.co/z5cLzvegIr?amp=1
FYeah Disney: @fyeah_disney https://t.co/Xgny3YTOtQ?amp=1
Tales: https://www.parcast.com/tales
Savage Lovecast: https://www.savagelovecast.com/
The Resistance Broadcast: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-resistance-broadcast
Lavar Burton Reads: http://www.levarburtonpodcast.com/
Full of Sith: @fullofsith https://t.co/pnj2baDfHV?amp=1
Collider Heroes: @collider https://t.co/khmk0Yju3w?amp=1
The Bingeables Podcast: @bingeablespod https://t.co/pWIwTmuyR2?amp=1
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: @hardcorehistory https://t.co/Qtm4JdZ3oM?amp=1
Movies After Work: @MoviesWork https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/anchor-podcasts/movies-after-work
Musicals With Cheese: @cheeseymusicals https://t.co/wjlbp4wHPE?amp=1
Geek Salad is available at www.geeksalad.podbean.com, or can be subscribed to at the iTunes store by using keyword “geek salad.” Geek Salad is also part of the Stitcher family, as well as being available on Spotify and the Google Music app! Download the apps for your Android, iPhone, or Blackberry at www.stitcher.com!
Also, check out the Podbean App where you can stream and download the entire Geek Salad archive right from your Android or iPhone! You can get the app at either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store!
Geek Salad episodes are now also available to stream on YouTube. “Like” and Subscribe to their channel at Geek Salad Podcast at www.youtube.com
Contact Geek Salad at
[email protected]. Geek Salad is also available on Facebook under the group heading “Geek Salad Podcast.” Check out their website at www.geek-salad.com, and please subscribe to their Twitter feed: @geeksaladradio
Geek Salad is intended for adult listeners and contains coarse language and profanity. Listener discretion is advised.