Episode 7: Live from the UN, Vol IWe are doing something a little different today. Instead of one in depth interview, Mark chats with several experts who work for various arms of the United Nations.
Here's the set up: The UN Foundation invited a number of talk radio hosts to broadcast from inside the United Nations headquarters in New York and arranged for UN experts to stop by the broadcast room. I couldn't fit every single interview into one podcast, so look out for a future "Live from the UN Volume 2."
On this program, in order of appearance, we have:
Paul Heslop from UN Mine Action Service--the real life Hurt Locker.
Zainab Hawa Bangura, Special Representative for Sexual Violence in Conflict on her remarkable career fighting for women's rights.
George Papagiannis, UNESCO. On the USA's self-defeating policy toward UNESCO
Jos Vandaveer, Chief of Immunizations, UNICEF. Why vaccines can save the world.
Khalid Malik, UNDP. What the New Human Development report tells us about the Global South; and why China's remarkable rise is not going to end anytime soon.
# UN ExpertsA group of specialists from various United Nations agencies who provide insights on global issues.