Your style already exists inside of you! Explore what you are drawn to, and you will find it. Be YOU. An honest meaningful chat with Karin LauriaMargo chats with Karin Lauria is an independent artist and illustrator, Karin Lauria. Karin is from Massachusetts and works mainly in digital, but also creates mixed media digital and watercolor art and illustrations. Her style is vibrant, colorful, whimsical, and thoughtful. She has licensed work and collaborations with several companies including Moi & Toi Studio, Amber Lotus Publishing, and GreenBox Art and Culture. She’s represented by Creative Sparrow. Margo and Karin discuss: Her start in art and early encouragement from family How running and dogs changed her world and opened up her creativity Why exploring is so important: exploring nature, new skills, and curiosity Why she credits her husband with getting her into digital art Trusting your path and taking it one step at a time Her hobbies outside of her art and how they help in her passions The doors that can be opened from participating in creative challenges Continuing education and courses When Karin’s not making art, she’s hanging out with her husband and kitty, baking homemade bread, hiking the local trails, playing word games, or Zillow surfing over a giant mug of coffee. Mentioned in this episode: Liz Kohler Brown Tracey Capone Connect with Karin:
# Trusting Your PathThe concept of believing in one's unique creative journey and taking gradual steps towards personal and professional goals.