Jodi Harris | World Tree CoachingWhen Jodi's family decided to enter the Foreign Service, she was confident that her background as a licensed clinical social worker would translate well to a life abroad. Instead, Jodi learned to adapt her work to her new surroundings by building World Tree Coaching. Now, as she looks forward to moving back to the US, things are likely to change again. Join us as we delve into the realities of returning stateside after having built a successful portable business abroad.BIOJodi Harris, MSW is a mindfulness teacher and ICF certified coach. She has worked with individuals facing the challenges of cross-cultural adaptation for nearly 20 years in fields ranging from non-profit, clinical social work, government, and education. In 2013, while living in Madagascar, Jodi founded World Tree Coaching, LLC to provide mindfulness-based coaching and training for the globally mobile. She also serves on the Executive Committee of Families in Global Transition and as the Managing Director of the Brussels Sports Association, a Belgian non-profit providing youth sports programming to international youth in Brussels. She is originally from Austin, Texas and has lived in 7 countries. She and her spouse, a Foreign Service Officer, have 3 children. Learn more about Jodi's work at
# Mindfulness-Based CoachingA coaching approach that incorporates mindfulness practices to help individuals manage stress and adjust to changes in their environments.