Have bike will travel Award winning Travel writer Tracey Croke is a fan of 'roughty-toughty' travel - adventurous, off-the-beaten track journeys preferably on two wheels. In this epsiode of ExtraVirgin Food and Travel Podcast we talk to Tracey about how her love of bike travel developed and her international adventures, including cycling among the wildlife in Botswana, travelling the Masar Ibrahmi Al-Khalil, in Palestine, traversing the Wakan corridor in Afghanistan, and crossing the Talas Range in Kyrgyzstan. We also chat with Tracey about how to approach bike travel if you're a beginner, including buying a mountain bike and getting bike fit, the best rides in Australia and ask her to share her international bike travel wish list. You can check out some of Tracey's writing on bike travel in a new book: Ride, Cycle the World and follow her adventure at @traceycroke on insta
# Tracey CrokeAn award-winning travel writer known for her adventurous cycling journeys and insights into bike travel.