Mystery Author Andrea Barton on Plot Development: Plot Twists, Suspense and Tension for a More Spontaneous Writing Style
Andrea Barton is the author of 'The Godfather of Dance, A Jade Riley Mystery'. She also runs Brightside Story Studio, a book editing business for fiction and memoir, where she loves helping authors to make their stories shine.
In the 143rd episode of The HYBRID Author podcast host Joanne (Zara Ellen) Morrell, author of young adult fiction, women's fiction and short non fiction for authors chats to Andrea about:
plot development: plot twists, suspense and tension for a more spontaneous writing style
Andrea’s writing process for her book ‘The Godfather of Dance’
Andrea's advice in developing a solid plot for works of fiction and much more.
# Spontaneous Writing StyleA creative approach to writing that emphasizes improvisation and natural flow.