#570 - Supernatural Access; Day 5DAY 5: Act on God’s Direction
Step into the realm of miracles available even today by developing faith for the anointing. Make a conscious effort to press for that anointing. Faith must be targeted. Use your faith to tap into the anointing.
Start to believe for miracles in your personal life. Believe and pray for uncommon levels of anointing and the power of God. Look and listen for revelation and illumination in your inner man. Open your spiritual eyes and ears.
When you see the invisible, you can do the impossible! Vision empowers the miraculous realm in your life. David marched to the front lines of battle completely unafraid of Goliath, the giant in the land. What was it that empowered the crazy boldness of this young warrior? He had revelation about who his God was! His revelation empowered action.
Many are sidelined by fear. We must act on the dreams, visions, and leading that God has given us. Notebooks filled with insight, words, and dreams will become binders of untapped potential if we do not have the bravery to act on the vision. There is no life in lazy faith! Fear paralyzes and sidelines God-sized dreams. Faith stirs the human spirit to act!
# Spiritual RevelationThe insights and understanding given by God that guide individuals in their spiritual journey and actions.