Original Air Date: 10/16/2018 Today we take a look at the distant and recent history of conservatism in America and beyond and follow the steps that have led to their rejection of science at a moment in history when it has never been more critical to heed the warnings of scientists Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email
[email protected] BestOfTheLeft.com/Support (Members Get Bonus Shows + No Ads!) Join our Discord community! SHOW NOTES Ch. 1: Corey Robin on the right from Burke to Trump - Jacobin Radio (@jacobinmag) - Air Date 12-3-17 Corey Robin on the Right from Burke to Trump. While most people on the Left fear and demonize the Right, they aren't interested in its ideas. Robin, however, takes them very seriously and analyzes their ideas for us. Ch. 2: Jonah Goldberg on Trump, Republicans and the conservative movement - Diane Rehm: On My Mind - Air Date 3-2-18 The state of the conservative movement and where it goes from here. Ch. 3: Kurt Andersen: How religion turned American politics against science - Big Think - Air Date 1-18-28 In the last 30 years, religion has radicalized American politics and seriously harmed the perception of science, says journalist and author Kurt Andersen. This can be directly tied to the rise of the Christian Right in the 20th century. Ch. 4: The fall of family values - Past/Present - Air Date 6-25-18 Explaining how we came to the end of “family values” conservatism Ch. 5: THE MIDTERMS MINUTE: FL, IN, MO, MT, ND - Help Democrats Retain These Toss-Up Battleground Senate Seats! Take action! Click the title and/or scroll down for quick links and resources from this segment. Ch. 6: Jennifer Rubin on the breakdown of the GOP from a center-right perspective - The Good Fight - Air Date 2-13-18 Yascha Mounk discusses how to cover the Trump presidency; the complicity of the Republican party; and the future of the right with proud conservative and staunch Never Trumper Jennifer Rubin. Ch. 7: Chomsky on the GOP Has Any Organization Ever Been So Committed to Destruction of Life on Earth? - @DemocracyNow - Air Date 04-26-17 Amy Goodman began by asking Noam Chomsky about the catastrophically destructive tendencies of the Republican Party. Ch. 8: America: The Farewell Tour (with Guest Chris Hedges) - @Thom_Hartmann - Air Date 10-2-18 Chris Hedges on the erosion of democratic infrastructure, imperialist leanings, and the widening gap between the morbidly rich and the working class, a sign of America's farewell? Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at BestOfTheLeft.com