Greg Bishop, UFO Author and ResearcherIn 1991, Greg Bishop co-founded a magazine called The Excluded Middle, which was a journal of UFOs, the paranormal, conspiracy, psychedelia and new science. His first book, Wake Up Down There! anthologized many of the articles and features. Greg's second book was Project Beta, which documented a government campaign of disinfo perpetrated against an unsuspecting researcher. His third book, Weird California, was released in 2006. He also wrote for the famed UFO/paranormal site Ufomystic for five years. It Defies Language! released in 2016,is a collection of essays on UFOs, the government, and fringe issues and personalities. His show Radio Misterioso, ( now in its 17th year, features interviews with fringe-topic researchers and occasionally, weird music. He also flies paragliders and is a licensed private pilot, as well as an aerial drone photographer. In this interview, we talk about Greg's latest book and his insight into a fascinating disinformation scandal connected to Roswell, Majestic-12 and other UFO mythologies. You can find Greg's book at: Or get the Kindle version here: Amazon.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
# Roswell IncidentA famous event in UFO lore from 1947 when an unidentified object crashed in Roswell, leading to widespread speculation about extraterrestrial technology and government cover-up.