Episode LXXXII: Holly Frey in "There's Always Room for Greedo"Bobby, Bryan, and Mike are joined by Holly Frey, Star Wars fan and co-host of the "Stuff You Missed in History Class" podcast. They talk about Holly's first time experiencing Star Wars, Luke Skywalker on the Muppet show, and Rodians. Then, they discuss their hopes and dreams for a potential Obi-Wan Kenobi standalone film.If you like the show, please leave us iTunes/Stitcher reviews and share us with your friends and family! We’d greatly appreciate it.Full Of Sith is a safe haven for Star Wars fans, no matter what you like or what your opions are, we'd love for you to share them with us. Please do so by sending us a voicemail or email. Keep an eye out for our newest episodes on Monday mornings.Contact info, episodes, banners, promos, bios and so much more can be found at http://www.fullofsith.comThanks For Listening & May The Force Be With You... Always!
# RodiansA species in the Star Wars galaxy, known for their distinctive features, mentioned during the discussion.