Rojas Report: ETs & Religion - How belief in ET life has influenced religions & inspired new ones.ETs and Religion: How the belief in extraterrestrial life has influenced religions and inspired new ones. It is often said that if we found intelligent extraterrestrial life, religions would be devastated. However, most religions already discuss extraterrestrial life, and have for hundreds of years. In this presentation we discuss the many ways alien life has been addressed by the world’s major religions, and how they are currently dealing with this issue. We also look at studies which reveal insight into how religious leaders, those who participate in religion, and those who do not, might react when it is finally confirmed that intelligent extraterrestrial life exists. Finally, we look to the future and how the belief in extraterrestrial intelligence is inspiring the creation of new religions. This is a presentation by Alejandro Rojas. This one is being made free for Open Minds Radio listeners.Become a supporter of this podcast:
# Religious InfluenceThe impact and role that beliefs and doctrines of major religions play in shaping perspectives on topics such as extraterrestrial life.