Episode CCLVII - Richard Edlund and Tom SpinaTom Spina, makeup and FX extraordinaire joins us again. First, he talks about the new Star Wars offerings from Regal Robot, the officially licensed Star Wars decor retailer. Then, we spoke to him about creatures and restoration and collecting of original movie props from Star Wars. After that, we're joined by Richard Edlund, one of the FX masterminds behind the original trilogy, who spoke to us from his new post at Chapman College teaching special FX. If you haven’t already, join our new Facebook group and join in the discussions with us and other listeners at – http://facebook.com/groups/FullofSith If you like the show, please leave us iTunes/Stitcher reviews and share us with your friends and family! We’d greatly appreciate it.
# Regal RobotA retailer offering officially licensed Star Wars decor and collectibles, discussed in the context of new offerings.