Recorded 2/6/13 With Consetta of at Rancho Obi-Wan and Travis fighting an ice-storm, Bryan and Mike take this episode to discuss the impact of Star Wars, on their lives, on fandom, on culture, and the world. It's a conversation you're not going to want to miss. If you like the show, please leave us an iTunes review and share us with your friends and family! Voicemail - 206-426-5592 | | @fullofsith | |
[email protected] Special thanks to Joey in Georgia for his topical voicemail this week and to all you fine people out there for joining us every week! Full Of Sith is a safe haven for Star Wars fans, no matter what you like or what your opions are, we'd love for you to share them with us. Please do so by sending us a voicemail or email. Thank you for listening. Look for Episode IX next Sunday as we have a very special show planned for you... The Clone Wars! There I said it... Contact info, episodes, banners, promos, bios and so much more can be found at Thanks For Listening & May The Force Be With You... Always!