What’s the future of UNRWA? The Struggle for Balance in Gaza’s Aid Operations | Inside GenevaThis is a special preview of the Inside Geneva podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts. Recently UNWRA, the UN’s refugee agency for Palestinians, has been facing scrutiny of what exactly their role is in the current Israel-Hamas conflict. Many people around the world hadn’t heard of UNRWA before this conflict - so what is it exactly, why was it founded, and does it need to continue? Journalist Imogen Foulkes takes a deep dive, talking to UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini, Israeli diplomat Nina Ben-Ami, Jan Egeland of the Norwegian Refugee Council, and Louis Charbonneau of Human Rights Watch. Inside Geneva is produced by Swissinfo, a multilingual public service media based in Switzerland.
# Philippe LazzariniThe chief of UNRWA, who offers insight into the agency's role and challenges faced in the current conflict.