Air Date 11/26/2024 In a world of infinite information but a finite amount of time to check your facts, we're living the logical conclusion of an online environment that favors false information over truth and the most popular online media reflects that reality perfectly. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email
[email protected] Full Show Notes | Transcript (Members Get Bonus Shows + No Ads!) Join our Discord community! KEY POINTS KP 1: Aaron Rodgers moment perfectly sums up how fake information spreads - All In with Chris Hayes - 11-14-24 KP 2: Why is everyone suddenly an expert? (Even when they’re not) - The Bunker - Air Date 5-20-24 KP 3: How Right-Wing Media Took Over America Part 1 - Why America? with Leeja Miller - Air Date 11-18-24 KP 4: The Manosphere Celebrates a Win. Plus, M. Gessen on How to Survive an Autocracy - On The Media - Air Date 11-8-24 KP 5: We DON'T need a LEFTIST Joe Rogan - The Kavernacle - Air Date 11-14-24 KP 6: Stop Having an "Open Mind" - Breaking In The Habit - Air Date 5-31-24 KP 7: Birds Aren’t Real? How a Conspiracy Takes Flight | Peter McIndoe - TED - Air Date 9-13-23 (49:25) NOTE FROM THE EDITOR On the nature of skepticism and open-mindedness DEEPER DIVES (55:48) SECTION A - THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE AND THE MEDIA (1:27:00) SECTION B - TRUST AND BELIEF (1:53:40) SECTION C - CENTRISM (2:23:47) SECTION D - ROOTS SHOW IMAGE Description: A graphic depicting a silhouette of the Thinking Man statue with a chaotic swarm of letters coming from the top of his head. The word “Heterodoxy” is written along the curve of his back. Credit: Composite design by A. Hoffman | “thinker words thoughts mind white” image by Convegni_Ancisa via Pixabay (Pixabay license) Produced by Jay! Tomlinson Visit us at Follow BotL: Bluesky | Mastadon | Threads | X