In this episode, we sit down with renowned filmmaker Rick Fishbein, who takes us through his incredible journey in the Hollywood film industry. Rick shares his experiences working on some of the biggest film sets, including the making of blockbuster movies and iconic TV commercials.
Rick also tells us the story behind the making of the K9 Advantix camping commercial, which has become a cultural touchstone for many Americans. He discusses the challenges of filming with animals and the joy he felt seeing the final product come together.
Despite his success in the film industry, Rick shares with us the moment when he realized he needed to pivot his career. He explains why he ultimately chose to leave the world of filmmaking and pursue a career in real estate.
Throughout the interview, Rick shares insights and advice based on his experiences in both industries. From the importance of collaboration and persistence in filmmaking to the value of networking in real estate, Rick's story is an inspiring tale of following your passions and adapting to new opportunities.
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