Peter Christiaan Bisschop and Yuko Yokochi, "The Skandapurána" (Brill, 2021)This interview features Drs. Peter Bisschop (Leiden University) and Yuko Yokochi (Kyoto University) and their work on the monumental Skandapurāṇa project. Started in the 1990's, the project is aimed at creating a critical edition of the Skandapurāṇa along with documenting its variations over time as well producing important studies of the text. Their latest instalment of this project (Volume 5, featuring Chapters 92-112 of the Skandapurāṇa, with an introduction and annotated English synopsis) addresses the incorporation of Vaisnava mythology in the text.
Thanks to generous support of the J. Gonda Fund Foundation, the e-book version of this volume is available in Open Access here.
Raj Balkaran is a scholar, educator, consultant, and life coach. For information see
# Open AccessA publishing model that allows free access to scholarly literature, exemplified by the e-book version of Volume 5 being accessible to the public.