The Only Heresy Podcast Happy That Legions Imperialis Has Been DelayedThis time hosts Steve and Simon are here to talk Heresy novels (The Outcast Dead? Underrated says Simon). Controversially, both Steve and Simon are thrilled that Legions Imperialis is delayed and discuss the community reaction to scale changes, rules, the madness of rewriting games that have not yet been released, and the (probable) realities of publishing and production delays. Next up, we talked about the latest Exemplary Battles PDF release, The Depths of Tredecimmia and all that sweet Daemon Engine action while Simon confuses the names of the various murder machines. Steve enthusiastically speculates about the upcoming Joytoy action figures releases for Horus Heresy and Simon then gets into some details about the Getting Started series Night Lords blog we released last week. Finally, we take a few listener questions in our latest mail call. Logo Design by Nikol KingIntro and Outro Music by Skull CultistBackground music by Orthokeras With vox from Alia Synesthesia and Nicole TurnerInquisitor Sprenger voiced by [REDACTED]Audio Production designed on the Forge World of the Vorpal Goat
# Night LordsOne of the space marine legions known for their use of terror tactics and dark themes in the Horus Heresy narratives.