Faith Matters; Book of Signs - Ch 21 MartyrsFaith Matters with Brian and Andi Hale
The Book of Signs by Dr David Jeremiah. Here we review chapter 21 on Martyrs.
There have been hosts of believers who have been martyred for their faith over the centuries. It has been said that the entire history of redemption is written in the blood of martyers.
Whether we look at history, current events, or the future revealed in Revelation 6, we find tha tpersecution and martyrdom have always accompanied Christianity - and always will. Satan, who in Eden usurped the lordship of this fallen world, is determined to annihilate anyone exuding the aroma of goodness and godliness.
Stand strong in your commitment to Christ regardless of the severity of the cost. Even if it means giving up your own life, what is that compared to the glory of the reward?
# Christian PersecutionThe ongoing suffering and challenges faced by Christians for their faith, as indicated in historical and contemporary contexts.