Episode 120 Fantastic Four #584: Congratulations Mister Grimm, You’re Handsome Again
You can listen to the episode by clicking: Episode 120
A tale as old as time. Man becomes a monster. Man lives as a monster. Man wishes not to be a monster. Man drinks potion made by kids to not be a monster. Yes, this is the story we all know like the back of our scarred and deformed hands.
Beer and book
So what are we talking about folks. My take is that it is nothing more than a retelling of Frankenstein. I mean look, you have the mad scientist with questionable social skills (looking at you Reed) trying to capture the fire of the gods and creating a monster. Hang on, I think that we are actually reading into this allegory beyond the normal childish prattle.
Oh, You Again
In this retelling of the classic story, the monster is always wishing to be human and the creator always fails. Luckily the creator has decided to get some kids to help out. Which means that there is a chance that the monster can be human again, for a short while. Now if we put that idea on the original story, would that mean that the Monster of Frankenstein would rip apart and each element would become human again.
You Should Moisturize
Now that you all have that terrafying vision in your head, let's think about the happy things you would do if you were not a monster. I mean, the first thing you need to do is make sure you have a sweet ride. Get a friend with a nice car or just steal one. It is OK, you will become a monster again in a short while and grand theft auto will not be pressed to hard.
Heroes Playing Poker
Now you are out on the town, living it up, enjoying yourself. Nobody is pointing at you or mocking you. You are not frightening small children or little old ladies. And you certainly not throwing children into rivers for fun and profit....ok, maybe you are, but just for the profit. You are out and enjoying the awesomeness of the world with people, and you are having fun. But maybe you are still hurting inside. That might be because monsters have better metabolism and you should not eat the triple decker burrito with jalapeno sauce.
Oh...and do not forget to work on forging your connection with another human....if you know what I mean...Nuff Said!
Don't Look Up My Skirt
Keep in mind, this offer is not for everyone. Some people will not have the ability to not be a monster, or they just do not want to be a human. Either way, this is special just for the monster that takes it or wants it. And if it is only for a short time, they need to seize the moment. Not unlike seizing a planet, but on a smaller scale.
I Mean...Look at Him!
Oh...and Namor is in this book, so if you want to look at something, check him out and not Ben.
If you want to see some images, check out our webpage for this episode at: https://jeffandrickpresent.wordpress.com/2022/11/06/fantastic-four-584-congratulations-mister-grimm-youre-handsome-again/
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# Frankenstein AllegoryThe thematic comparison of the episode's story to Mary Shelley's classic novel about creation and monstrosity.