A little over 20 years ago, a cartoonist named Matt Groening introduced the world to the hilarious Simpson family and all the crazy inhabitants of Springfield. Now, in time for the 500th episode, join Andy, Mike, Jim, and Adam are getting together to share some of their favorite moments from this, one of the funniest animated shows to ever grace television. The Geek Salad crew crack open many bottles of Duff beer as they painstakingly narrow down their lists of favorite episodes to five each, though they do go off on tangents about many more then that.
In fact, they go into so many tangents, that the episode had to be split into two parts. So sit back, relax, and remember the many laughs that the Simpsons have brought us over the years, then come back in about a week for part 2, and even more laughs. And, just to add to the humor, the guys also discuss the odd proportions of Andrew Garfield's head compared to Spider-Man's costume as Trailer Park covers the new Amazing Spider-Man trailer.
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Geek Salad is intended for adult listeners and contains coarse language and profanity. Listener discretion is advised.