156: Back in the Saddle AgainRules of Accusation: Paula M. Block and Terry J. Erdmann. Deep Space Nine: for the past few years, the hallmark of this series has been change. Characters have moved on, the setting has changed, and DS9 doesn't quite feel like it used to. However, every once in awhile, it's good to return to familiar territory. In this week's e-book, we do just that as the old gang of Quark, Rom, Leeta, Zek, and even Odo return to some very familiar roles. In this episode of Literary Treks hosts, Matthew Rushing, Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson talk about the new ebook, Rules of Accusation. We have a surprise interview with Paula Block and Terry Erdmann from the Shore Leave convention and then we discuss this latest foray into the Ferengi world with some of the best loved characters from DS9. In the news segment we talk about the upcoming Boldly Go comic, Ongoing’s penultimate issue, New Visions’ take on The Cage and all the latest news from Shore Leave. News Boldly Go Comic (00:03:36) Ongoing #59 (00:06:26) New Visions: The Cage (00:12:01) Shore Leave Convention (00:15:03) Big News (00:17:20) Shore Leave Interview (00:22:26) Feature: Rules of Accusation The Perfect eBook (00:35:36) Time With Characters (00:37:48) Feels Like an Episode (00:42:36) Fun References (00:44:14) We Need Blueprints (00:46:43) 1000 PADDs (00:49:43) Morn (00:51:19) Ratings (00:55:40) Final Thoughts (00:58:20) Hosts Matthew Rushing, Dan Gunther and Bruce Gibson Guests Paula M. Block and Terry J. Erdmann Production Matthew Rushing (Editor and Producer) Norman C. Lao (Executive Producer) C Bryan Jones (Executive Producer) Charlynn Schmiedt (Executive Producer) Matthew Rushing (Executive Producer) Richard Marquez (Production Manager) Will Nguyen (Content Manager) Ken Tripp (Associate Producer) Will Nguyen (Associate Producer) Brandon-Shea Mutala (Associate Producer) Bruce Gibson (Associate Producer)
# Deep Space Nine CharactersWell-known characters from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series, including Quark, Rom, Leeta, Zek, and Odo, who are featured prominently in the discussed e-book.