Mark Dawidziak InterviewWe are joined by none other than one of the most distinguished TWILIGHT ZONE historians there is (and that’s not just because he also does a mean Mark Twain). He is, in fact, another Mark, Mark Dawidziak. Journalist, lecturer, professor, and author of a book that should be on everyone’s TWILIGHT ZONE must-have reading list, EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED In THE TWILIGHT ZONE. Mark shares with us his roundabout journey to getting the nod to write about one of his many great loves—sorry, Robert, it’s not Kolchak this time—and we pitch a few questions to him and he hits each one of them a country mile over every cornfield in their path. Let us know what you think of this edition of our podcast by leaving either written or voicemail feedback.
# Mark TwainA celebrated American writer and humorist known for his novels 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' and 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn', mentioned in the context of Mark Dawidziak's abilities.