Episode 40- Trying to Dodge the Dutch Maame immigrated to the Netherlands from Ghana to join her husband. Her immigration challenges began back home when had to take a test in Dutch in order to be able to immigrate. Immigrating to the Netherlands in the winter added to Maame's culture shock, and her feelings of loneliness. One of the biggest challenges she faced was speaking Dutch. She was afraid that if she mispronounce something, people would make fun of her. Befriending her neighbor helped Maame not only to learn Dutch but also build a support system and get help with her baby while she went back to get her Master's degree. Her Master's degree supervisor was a fellow immigrant from Israel, he was able to understand Maame's struggles and motivated her to complete her degree. Maame's advice to immigrants is to form a social circle and build your network. You don’t have to be alone.
Checkout Maame's podcast Immigrants Making an Impact- https://open.spotify.com/show/7BizhBQZtTPrilAgdcs8Zm?si=2dcf7cd9cc5946a6
Follow her on Instagram @immigrantsmakingimpact
Connect with her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/maame-baffo-msc-3b097919a/
#ImmigrantSquaredPodcast @alisadel_ #immigrantstories #immigrants #unlockyourpotential #alisadel #immigrantsinNetherlands #learningDutch #ImmigrantsfromGhana
# Maame BaffoThe guest of the episode who shares her immigration story and insights as an immigrant from Ghana.