Dr. Vanessa Kerry Strengthens Health Systems Against Ebola and Other ThreatsDr. Vanessa Kerry is the Co-founder and CEO of Seed Global Health. This is an international NGO that works in five sub-Saharan countries to bolster the education of medical professionals. We kick off discussing the newest ebola outbreak in the DRC. This is a very alarming outbreak for the fact that it is occurring a region of the DRC that is very much a hot conflict zone. We then have a broader conversation about the challenge of strengthening health systems in poorer countries and we of course discuss the specific work of Seed Global Health to that end. Dr. Kerry came to national attention in 2004, when she introduced her father, John Kerry at the Democratic National Convention, and she describes how her interest in global health issues was sparked by a trip to Vietnam many years ago, with her father. If you are a global health and development nerd -- and I know many of you are -- I think you will very much appreciate this episode.
# John KerryFormer U.S. Secretary of State and the father of Dr. Vanessa Kerry, who has influenced her interest in global health.