Books and Brews Podcast Episode #6: Anya Johanna DeNiroAnya Johanna DeNiro lives in St. Paul. Her fiction has appeared in Catapult, One Story, Minnesota Monthly, and elsewhere. She’s currently at work on a Young Adult novel entitled My Heart Is an Unslain Dragon. Her novella City of a Thousand Feelings is forthcoming from Aqueduct Press in the winter of 2019. LINKS @adeniro on Twitter Upcoming Events: Laura will be reading at the Startled By JOY 2019 poetry reading and open mic on October 6th, 2019. The event takes place from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Troubadour Wine Bar, 2827 Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis. Michael is teaching a class on barrel-aged beer on November 19th at Zymurgy Brewing on Main Street in Menomonie, Wisconsin Anya’s Readings: Take Pills and Wait for Hips – 10:40 City of a Thousand Feelings – 36:56 Faint Voices Increasingly Desperate – 47:14 Michael’s Beer Pairings: W. Lee’s Harvest Ale 2002 Vintage, J.W. Lee’s & Company, UK (paired to Take Pills and Wait for Hips) – 15:26 Wittekerke, De Brabandere, Belgium (paired to City of a Thousand Feelings) – 34:07 Firebrick, August Schell Brewing Company, MN (paired to Faint Voices Increasingly Desperate) – 45:07 Interview Highlights: What is an Interactive Fiction game? – 25:44 Imagery, Allegory, Writer’s Intention – 27:51 How does the Glass-Bottom Boat Image in Take Pills and Wait for Hips relate to theme of transition as a transgender woman? – 31:09 What goes into getting an MFA? – 41:15 Writing in second person – 43:11 Writing in third person present tense – 51:32 Writing transgender protagonists – 54:45 COMING NEXT MONTH: Poet Donna Isaac. Our theme music is from
# Interactive FictionA genre of fiction that allows for reader interaction, discussed during the interview with Anya.