127 - Death Beconnies Her [Whit’s Endless Summer #32]The lads return to Odyssey for further adventures in disability, grief, and how to solve a love triangle when the third point is Jesus Christ. Topics include the edification of the disabled, Bill Kendall’s penchant for cruises, and how to properly mourn the loss of a loved one like a good, honest Christian.
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Media Referenced in this Episode:
Adventures in Odyssey
#318: A Touch of Healing, Part 1
#319: A Tough of Healing, Part 2
#320: Where is Thy Sting?
#322: The Turning Point
This your first Whit’s Endless Summer? Here’s the story so far!
TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com
Commercial: “Dr. Oswald Oliver, M.D.” feat. Brendan Dalton as “318".
# Grief and MourningExploration of how grief is represented in Christian contexts and the societal expectations surrounding mourning.