109 - Gone with the Whit [Whit’s Endless Summer #29]The lads return to Odyssey for more adventures in lawsuits, orthodontics, and, in the first Whit’s Endless Summer three-parter, the Underground Railroad. Topics include the right’s obsession with frivolous lawsuits, the conservative playbook for taking on school boards, and how to teach children about the atrocities of slavery.
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Media Referenced in this Episode:
Adventures in Odyssey
#306: “A Victim of Circumstance”
#308: “Subject Yourself”
#314-316: “The Underground Railroad Parts 1-3"
TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com
Commercial: “The Law Offices of Weasel, Weasel, and Weasel”
# Frivolous LawsuitsThese are lawsuits that lack serious legal merit, discussed in the episode in the context of right-wing political strategies.